8- Season III: Another Winter

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She just returned from a long day at work when her phone signals an incoming voice call.

After dumping her bag and jacket on the couch, she checks the phone and sighs, choosing to ignore the caller for now. She doesn’t forget to silence the device before leaving it on the living room table.

To calm her mind, she goes to the kitchen, grabs a can of cold soda and plops down on the couch, grabbing the TV remote.

Twenty minutes later, her father comes home with pizza—it’s junk food day—and she immediately helps herself to the largest slice.

When the man tries to discuss what happened at work today, she makes it clear that she doesn’t want to talk about work. He concedes and starts talking about this nice young man, the son of a good friend of his.

She can’t help but roll her eyes, sighing as loud as possible. “Dad, please. I told you, I’ll find someone. On my own. I don’t need you setting me up with your friend’s children. I’ve told you that at least a million times”

“Not a million” He retorts with an amused twinkle in his eyes. “At most.. twenty times?”

She glares at him and he finally lets out a chuckle.

“Oh come on. You’re not bringing anyone home and I’m getting old. Please let me have some fun? It’s not like I have anyone else to tease”

“Bully, you mean”

“Potato potata” He dismisses her and drinks his beer. “So? Are you bringing anyone home anytime soon?”

“Not if you keep behaving this way” She says.

And right on cue, the screen of her phone lights up to notify her of another incoming call.

He looks at the phone by reflex—before she could take it and turn the screen away—and has apparently noticed the blue heart emoji in the contact name.

“Who’s that?” He asks.

“First you nagged me about bringing someone home, now you’re being nosy? What’s happening to you, Father?” She replies in slight irritation. “You used to respect my private life”

“I still do! I just happened to see a heart there. One of those.. what you call it? Emo.. tion? Wait. That’s not right” He says with a frown.

“Emoji, Dad”

“Ah yes that!” He snaps his fingers. “So?”

“Just a friend” She says, taking her cue to leave. She gets up and closes the pizza box, taking it to the kitchen along with her empty soda can.

She can hear him sigh but thankfully, he says nothing more and only asks that she brings him another bottle of beer on her way back.

“Don’t drink too much” She warns him as she hands him the bottle.

“It’s Friday, Daughter. Let the old man relax, okay?”

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