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SEXY TIMES AHEAD- enjoy your treat babes

Callum wasn't lying when he said he'd follow my lead. As soon as he claims he'll do so, I kiss him and he goes completely pliant in my arms. He acts tough, but things have been chaotic and I know he's still struggling with learning that Joseph was the one who turned him, since they got along.

Callum needs someone to take care of him right now. He needs to feel like he can relax and let his worries disappear and know someone is going to be there to protect him. He's been nonstop taking care of me when I was tangling with everything I had learned about my family, but this relationship goes two ways.

It's also my job to take care of him.

"Let's go shower," I whisper, nipping his earlobe.

He nods and he's breathing pretty heavily already.

I close the door to the bathroom behind us and turn on the fan so it doesn't get too foggy. I cup Callum's face in my hands, gazing into his red wine colored eyes before kissing his lips softly once more, fighting the smile tugging at my lips when Callum grips my shirt, pulling at it as if he's never been kissed like this before.

I pull off his shirt and look down at his frame, which I plan to cover with marks by the end of the night. I reach up and run my hand through his hair, kissing him once more before I turn on the shower. Once the water is heating up, I unbutton his pants and push them over his hips so they'll slide off.

He reaches for the bottom of my shirt, but I stop him. Callum gives me a look of skepticism, but I just smile.

"I thought you said you'd follow my lead?" I remind him, reaching for the waistband of his underwear and pulling them down.

"Gods, you're hot," he whispers, shivering when I run my hands up his bare sides.

I smile, taking my shirt off. "Get in the shower, babe," I say, grabbing the tiny travel shampoo and conditioner from next to the sink. "Uh, did you bring lube?"

"Are we doing this in the shower?" Callum asks, getting in the shower and wetting his hair as I hand off the travel shampoo and conditioner.

I take off my pants and underwear. "No, I just want to be prepared. We can't get STDs, right?"

"Well, we can, but they won't kill us like they could humans," Callum says. "I don't have any STDs, if that's what you're asking. I got tested not long after we met to make sure, but I don't have any. Do you?"

I shake my head. "I got tested at, like, sixteen, and it was negative and I haven't had sex."

"Then we should be okay," Callum says. "And, yes, I have lube."

"Huh. High expectations?"

"Gods," Callum murmurs, his cheeks pink. "You're insufferable."

I get in the shower and push him against the wall, sliding my knee between his legs. "Yeah, I guess I am," I whisper, kissing his lips and biting his lower lip as I pull away. "But you're stuck with me."

Callum groans as I move my knee, his eyes closed. He tilts his head back and I suck on the juncture between his neck and shoulder. Maybe he'll let me mark him at some point, though it would be more for me than for him since vampires don't usually mark each other like werewolves do.

I'm not going to ask him tonight, though, because I know it can get really intense and I don't want to overwhelm him. Not during our first time and when he needs comfort from me. This is going to be comforting, emotionally in-tune, cherished sex between two people who are in love.

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