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The past month has been really frustrating. There were two more murders of humans, so the patrolling hasn't been doing its job to the extent it should be. It's as if the killer knows they're patrolling and has been able to still kill around the patrol groups.

The more frustrating part is that Dad didn't tell me about the murders; Ramsay told me of one and Joseph mentioned the other. How Ramsay knew, I don't know, but I won't ask questions if he's willing to pass on information that's being withheld.

Dad's been getting more strict, and I assume it's because of the murders. He's stopped letting Joseph and Ramsay go on runs at night and he's been insisting that we stay in pairs during the day if we want to run. He was also upset that I went to the werewolf and shifter district with Callum, insisting that it's dangerous to go where I'm not welcome.

I know he'd be even more freaked out if I mentioned I was entering pack grounds to attend a birthday party, so I haven't said a thing. Thankfully it starts at five, so there's no reason that I shouldn't be back home before curfew. Callum doesn't think I should withhold things from Dad, but he doesn't realize how strict Dad is.

"Where are you going?" Joseph asks as I walk into the kitchen. "You are dressed way too nicely."

"Maybe I want to dress up for my boyfriend."

Joseph raises an eyebrow. "Possibly. But unlikely." The whites of his eyes look really pink so it's good to see that he's drinking from a blood bag. "I have a long shift coming up, so I probably won't see you for a couple of days."

"Are you sure it's a good idea? I don't even know how you still work with how much you've been helping Dad and how sick you've been looking." I'm really worried about him with how busy and overworked he's seemed. "Vampires have other ways to get blood. You don't have to keep working at the hospital and stealing bags."

"I appreciate your concern," Joseph says, wiping the tiredness from his eyes. "I enjoy doing my part, Lennox. I'm okay. Now, where are you going?"

I sigh. "Promise you won't tell Dad?"


"Helen Adler is close to the pack just outside of the shifter and werewolf district and I want the chance to get to know that community. She and Callum were invited to the Alpha's daughter's birthday party and Helen got that invitation extended to me, so I'm going."

Joseph gives me a look of skepticism and concern. "Dad won't like that, Lennox. What if they... it could be dangerous."

"I'll be fine," I insist. "Don't tell him, Joseph."

"I won't," Joseph says, but he still looks unsure. "Did you take your vitamin this morning? Dad asked me to remind you before he left."

I nod. "Yeah, I did."

Joseph hums before heading up the stairs, hopefully to rest before he has to go to work. He has continuously been sick and terrible looking for the past month and I feel like I'm the only one taking it seriously. I also haven't been able to find out what Ramsay's been up to, but Callum and I have checked a lot of different clubs at night and Ramsay is never there.

Callum knocks on the door and we drive to the pack ground. Despite it being in the same city as where we live, it's still a twenty minute drive to get there. As Callum explained to me, there is truly one big house surrounded by a neighborhood of smaller houses. It's honestly amazing how it's set up, and I feel a bit jealous that I didn't get to grow up in a place like this.

Helen arrives at the same time as us and she hugs me briefly. "I'm so glad you're coming with us, Lennox," she says sweetly. "They're going to love you, I promise."

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