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Callum parks his car in front of the pack house, but before I can get out of the car, he stops me. He locks the door to the cars and I give him an unamused look, clicking the lock to my door to unlock it. Callum looks equally as unamused.

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"You might not like what you hear," Callum says, concern written all over his face and expression. "Lennox, you don't-"

I scowl. "So what? Am I just supposed to pretend that I have no suspicions? That the people who raised me are truly innocent and didn't have anything to do with this?"

"One description-"

"Matches mine. I'm not asking Charity or Maurice about it! I'm only asking Raina and if she doubts it, then I'll drop it."

Callum sighs, and I can tell he's irritated. Most likely disappointed in me and irritated that I'm rushing into this without much of a plan for information that won't make me feel better. A part of me wants to know that I belong to a pack, but the other one is praying I'm wrong.

If my suspicions are true and I'm right, I'll have to confront the man who raised me as the man who kidnapped me. I won't be able to have both the family that raised me and the pack if I'm right.

I'll have to make a choice.

Raina gets to have both... but she's actually related to Dad.

In my case, I'm not biological and he may have raised me, but if I'm right and I'm Charity and Maurice's biological son, then he wouldn't be my dad. He would be the man who kidnapped me for whatever reason.

I shake my head; I need to get the truth first. I can't just rush into things without confirmation; it's irresponsible and stupid of me to do that. Plus, it'll only make me more anxious and upset. I need the truth and I hope that Raina knows something.

I take a deep breath and take Callum's hand softly in my own. "Callum?"

His expression softens when he realizes my tone is gentle and not angry or as frustrated as it was when we arrived.

"Thank you," I say, meeting his eyes. "I... ever since we got together, I've dragged you along into all of these revelations of my family that I didn't think was possible and you've supported me every step of the way. I don't know how to express how thankful I am."

Callum smiles, pulling my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it. "Things will settle eventually, Lennox. The only way to express how thankful you are that would mean something to me would be that no matter what you learn from Raina, Charity, Maurice, whoever... promise that you won't spiral down some vengeful, angry path. If what you think to be true is true... then some kind of vengeful action started this and I won't be able to stand by and watch you spiral and tear yourself apart."

Him saying he won't stand by and watch... that's a terrifying sentence. Callum isn't a liar and I know that if I turn things into a toxic situation due to my own anger, he will leave. Whether it be rejection or just taking a break from me while I get myself together, he'd leave.

I can't let that happen.

Callum is my mate and I'm falling in love with him. He's the best thing in my life and we're going to build a future together... no matter what happens with my family, whatever that may end up meaning, I need to think about him.

"I'll try to stay level headed."

"I'll support you, Lennox. As long as you promise you'll keep yourself from dangerous decisions or anything... impulsive depending on how this turns out."

I don't say anything else, but I nod. I really will try, but I hope I can keep things together if my suspicions are proven true. Gods, maybe I am wrong, and if I am, it'd be much easier. It'd honestly be easier to just ignore everything making me suspicious and pretend all is right, but I can't morally do that.

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