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I haven't left my room all day and I'm bored as hell. Right now, I'm grateful that I have to sleep because otherwise I'd be even more bored. Ramsay knocked on my door a while ago, but I pretended to be asleep until he left, and the same thing happened with Joseph about twenty minutes ago.

"Lennox? Open your door," Dad says, not knocking. "Your mate stopped by and left you a gift."

Callum stopped by? Of course Dad wouldn't let him in because he's all pissed off at me, but it's still nice of him to do that. I'm not even entirely sure how Callum got our address, but his aunt is the vampieress and knows everyone, according to city discussion.

I crack open the door and hold my hand out.

Dad sighs and hands it to me, which means I have to open the door wider because it's quite a large package. "Do you want anything particular for your birthday dinner?"

"I'm not hungry."

"It's only noon. You'll be hungry later."

I scowl. "I don't want to eat dinner with you or my siblings. I'm staying in here."

Dad sighs again but I ignore him and shut the door. His footsteps recede and I look at the gift for the first time. It's a big box covered in white paper with balloons on it, and I lock my bedroom door before setting it on my bed. I have no clue what could be in here, but it's heavy.

I rip off the paper and open the box and my eyes widen when I see that it's full of books. They're all different titles, mainly centered around vampires and such, but many of them I've never seen before. There's some on the history of werewolf packs and shifter groups. One that draws my eye, though, is one that was published only five years ago. It got a lot of attention within the supernatural community because it was written by a werewolf of a local pack.

I have never seen a collection this big. Obviously, books about supernaturals are pretty hidden from the public eye because the world is still run by humans and they like to turn a blind eye to our existence. It's hard for us to get them and we're within the community.

And Callum just gave me twelve books about supernaturals! He's better than I am; I'm extremely possessive of my books and I wouldn't just give them away like this. I grab my phone and send a picture of the box.

Me: I want to start by saying thank you... but how did you know where I live?

Callum: My aunt knows people who know your dad so I was able to get the address. Got a mini interrogation from my aunt & she really wants to meet you

Me: Too bad she's going to have to wait for a month

Callum: Yeah, but don't plan on me waiting that long. I'm going to be knocking on your door every day until your dad lets me in ;) he didn't seem too happy to see me today though

Me: Yeah he's not a big fan of me at the moment and that extends to you. You can sneak in through my window. Vampire sense of smell isn't strong enough for him to know

Callum: Unless we have sex

Me: You're not getting into my pants in a month so we don't have to worry about that

Callum: Fair, I'll come over tonight then ;)

I smile at my phone screen before putting it on my nightstand and pick up one of the books. I take it to my desk and grab one of my colored pens to annotate it. Joseph gets so annoyed when I annotate and write in my books but it helps me to break them down.

I'm surprised that Joseph hasn't come to bother me yet. Of all of my siblings, it's no surprise that he's the most comforting and emotionally in tune. He must not be home or he's really mad at me. If he was mad, though, I guarantee he would've yelled at Ramsay first because I may have gone to the club, but I am not an instigator. That's Ramsay's role.

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