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The two left the pizza place. Entering back into the car. The doors closed. And the car starting up again.

Dave sighed. "If you need to smoke, you can. Just make sure the window is rolled down."

"Do you want one?" Kurt offered as he is currently taking the pack out while Dave is driving.

"Nah. I think I'll be okay. I got booze in the back anyway." Dave snickered. Kurt rolled his eyes. "Hey, it's your damn ticket. I ain't buying it."

Dave grew a smug smile onto his face. "yes but the van is registered in your name Kurt." Kurt's eyes went wide at this.

"Is it?!" Kurt raised his voice a bit which made Dave howl in laughter. Nodding his head as he makes a shift change into a different lane.

"Yeah!" Dave says in between laughs. "but, thankfully on us the car has its tags and shit. I might just be the one to go into jail for the night."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Or just a warning. Dumbass, we aren't drinking and driving. I did that one time with my ex Tracy.. never, never again." He started to chuckle.

"Ohh?! Spill the beans, what happened!" Dave beamed out of curiosity as he is driving into the direction of the freeway.

"Well, I got wasted as all fuck." Kurt laughed. Lighting his cigarette as he takes a puff. Holding in the smoke as he rolled down the window.

He exhaled the white cloud out into the fall seasoned air as he explained. "I kept swerving in lanes and shit. Meanwhile Tracy is also grabbing up on my pants and shit.. so like, I was just lost. Haha!"

"Next thing I know a cop blares his fucking sirens behind me. I let them chase me for a few. But that made Tracy anxious and scared as all shit. I felt bad so I stopped joking around and actually pulled over."

"Got a ticket for $217 because I was for one wasted and two mainly going over the speed limit. The limit I think was 56 and I was gunning it to almost 90."

Kurt explained his story with a smug smile on his face. He takes another puff on his cigarette as he exhaled the small amount of smoke.

"Wow. They didn't arrest you?" Dave asks as he keeps his eyes on the road. Kurt shrugs. "no fucking idea why. I was being a dumb kid and they just gave me a warning and that stupid ticket."

Dave chuckled. "Well, I'm not stupid Kurt. We aren't gonna actually drink and drive. Maybe we can pull over if we get tired."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "me get tired? More like you get tired. You haven't slept all night last night. You know damn well we are gonna park somewhere and crash." He says in a sarcastic manner with a chuckle.

Dave rolled his eyes, chuckling. "well I guess that's the perfect time for us to get drunk then, hm?"

Kurt nods in reply.

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