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"Question," Kurt began as he pulled a cigarette out and the lighter. He flicked the lighter a few times. Then the bright little orange flame came on.

He held the flame up to the cigarette and watches it light. Tossing the lighter aside, Kurt placed the cigarette between his lips as he heard Dave's response.

"Ask away." Dave says. Keeping his brown eyes locked on the road as he changed lanes to the correct one he needed.

"How the fuck am i gonna cover these hickeys on my neck?" Kurt muttered as he exhaled the smoke out the window.

"Oh! Uhhh..." Dave trailed off. His voice a bit embarrassed. He bit his bottom lip as he started to think.

Then, he gets a good excuse in mind. Glancing at Kurt before his gaze locked back onto the freeway's road, Dave replied.

"Just say you went to a bar and had a one night stand. If Krist's asks." Dave responded.

Using one hand to steer, the other hand placed itself onto Kurt's thigh. Making the blond headed male blush.

"I mean, maybe we can just tell him..?" Kurt hesitantly says as he brings the cigarette back to his lips.

Trapping the smoke in his lungs for a moment as his breath shakily exhaled after a utter minute.

"Whatever makes you comfortable, Kurt. Personally I'm ok with telling Krist. But i want to make sure you're comfortable with doing so. We don't have to give out the details, you know - since we hardly remember.. but we can just say that uhm.."

Dave started to get fumbled with his words.

Are they dating?
Is this just a drunk one night stand in reality?

"That..?" Kurt trailed off as he flicked the cigarette out the window. The car is driving at a calm pace.

Dave lifted his hand off Kurt's thigh. Placing both hands back at the wheel. His forehead beaded with a bit of sweat as he bit his bottom lip.

"That we are dating..?" Dave asks, nervously. His stomach is twisting with butterflies. He felt love-sick.

Kurt widened his blue eyes at what he just said. He chewed on his nails as he felt flustered.

"I mean.. are we?" Kurt timidly asked the question. As the car drives, they pass the sign saying 'Welcome To Seattle. Come As You Are.'

"Uhh..." Dave trailed off. He didn't know what to say. His mind is starting to ache with the anxious habit of overthinking and overanalyzing the situation.

He was unsure himself, Dave really wants it to be something more. But he doesn't want to force Kurt to be with him. Because that's just not cool.

In fact, Dave has no idea that Kurt actually loves him. He has no clue. The man is clueless.

Kurt chewed on his bottom lip as the car drives into Seattle. His blue eyes looking around at the familiar city.

His window is rolled down, which made pedestrians and/or fans - Gasp in surprise and excitement. Knowing that their favorite celebrity is okay.

"People missed me that much?" Kurt asks, changing the subject now. Dave laughed as he nodded. "Of course Kurt, everybody around the world was worried about you."

"I swear to God if the..–" Kurt is immediately cut off by the press literally, running on side with the car. Dave slowed the car a bit so they can hear what the news reporters wanted.

"Mr.Cobain! Where were you? Everybody was worried all around the world for you! Can you please tell us?!"

Kurt sighed heavily as he peaked his head out of the cars window. "I was just.. having a good time on my own. Sorry for the scare." He says, a little smile on his face as he tucked his head in and rolled up the window.

"Floor it." Kurt bitterly says to Dave. Dave started to laugh. "You really want me to gunn this car?"

"Yes, I don't want to deal with this right now." Kurt grumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I mean. They are annoying. Let's get back to the house." Dave agreed as he sped up the car.

Leaving the news reporters into the dust as they sped away.

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