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Before he set off for his drive once again, he shifted and turned his body around. He picked up the case of alcohol.

Shrugging, he ripped open the packaging and takes out a bottle. A stressed sigh escaped out of his lips.

"Might as well." Dave muttered as he popped open the lid. He brought it to his lips and takes a few chugs.

It burnt down his throat, he exhaled out the scent of the flavoring alcoholic beverage as he sets it into the cupholder.

He exhaled softly, his breath smelling a bit of the alcohol. He wasn't necessarily blacked out, more-as on the looser side.

Disregarding his seat belt, Dave started the car again and continued his journey.

It wasn't till long until he sees the little sign of saying 'Welcome To Aberdeen.' Came into his viewing.

Once he arrives into the smaller town. It is silent. Dave blinked in disbelief of how quiet it is.

The sky radiated a dark blue. Signifying that the morning sunrise has began it's venture.

As Dave quietly drove into the little town, he takes a look around his findings.

Seattle and Aberdeen are totally different. It looked more, lively. The gust of wind blowing the autumn oranged leaves off of the oak trees, a few birds flying across the sky.

A beautiful sunrise of pastel colors of pink and blue grew in a milestone of seconds.

"Woah.." Dave muttered as he is driving around the little town. Then something in his heart struck out to him.

On a little street sign it stated, 'Viretta Park'.

"Viretta.. huh." Dave muttered as he steered into the direction of it. His heart and mind are telling him to go this way.

As he is driving down the little path, he takes in his surroundings. This park is more forestry, more peaceful looking.

He reached to a parking spot. He parked his vehicle. Only sitting inside of it for a moment.

His brown gaze looking down the lush green and freshly watered hills, seeing a bridge in the clearing.

A small crow is also present, using it's beak to pluck at the grass that is underneath it's little feet.

Dave and the crow make an unsettling eye contact. This resulted into the crow cooing and then flying away.

An exhausted sigh escaped out of Dave's lips. He picked up the bottle of booze next to him. Taking a small sip before he sets it back.

He shifted as he extended his arm outwards, picking up the small package of Winston's.

Staring at them for a moment. That's when he realized.

"I don't like Winston's." Dave says outloud to himself. Which is completely true. The drummer only prefers Marlboro cigarettes.

His mind clicked into realization. He didn't buy this cigarettes for himself..

He bought them for,


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