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"Wha–What–?! Kurt!?" Dave exclaimed in a jittery mess of shock. There, he sees Kurt sitting underneath the bridge.

His blue gaze staring at the little stream that is crossing through. Once he heard his name being said, his eyes slowly lifted upwards.

Seeing the drummer in front of him.

"Hi." Kurt muttered out in his usual voice of rasp. Dave scoffed in disbelief. The blond has been missing for a solid two or three days and all he says is hi?!

"Kurt, holy shit! Krist and i were worried sick about you!" Dave scolded in shock and worrisome. Also thankfulness of being relieved.

The blond shrugged his shoulders in response to the scolding. Tucking up his baggy jeaned covered legs. Kurt scratched his nails into the brown dirt that he is seated on.

"I just needed to get out for a while." Kurt muttered. Lifting his hand up as he blew the dirt off his fingertips.

Dave shakes his head. A little smile started to grow into his face. He sits down next to the frontman.

"You could've told me." He says, his voice a pinched of a whine. Kurt shrugged as he picked up his acoustic guitar that is beside him.

His fingertips grazed against the strings. Making a small tune happen for a brief second before the silence washed over them, again.

"I could've. But I didn't." Kurt chuckled softly at his remark. Dave sighed heavily. "Why didn't you?" He asked the question.

Kurt stared at his guitar now. Extending his hand out as he messed around with the tuning.

"I didn't want to be a burden." He says in response. His voice was monotoned once he has said this.

Dave felt his heart sank at the words. He shakes his head. "Kurt, you're not–"

The blond interupted him. "–I'm surprised anybody even noticed my disappearance."

"Of course they'd fucking notice." Dave sneered in response. "Of course i noticed." He corrected.

Kurt sets his guitar back down beside him. Tucking up his legs again. His blue gaze is set on the water. Watching the little current.

"Kurt, look at me." Dave stated. In a much more gentle tone. Those astonishing cerulean eyes slowly looked towards the drummers honey-browns.

Making eye contact.

Dave takes a deep breath before exhaling it. Feeling his shoulders un-tense as he smiled a bit towards the frontman.

"I don't understand why you would think such things. Kurt, I was so fucking worried about you. Krist and i were worried sick. Someone must've anonymously called in the police since your picture is all over the news. Stating that you have went..

"Missing." Dave explained.

"Well, I just decided to run away for a little while." Kurt responded a brief explanation.

Dave felt a frown crept up on his lips. "well it scared the living shit out of me." He responded.

There was a tensed silence. It went on for several minutes before Dave spoke up again.

"How'd you get here in Aberdeen?" Dave asked. Kurt sighed deeply. "do you have a pack of cigarettes?" He asked in response.

"Uh, ye–yeah!" Dave stammered out as he takes the Winston's out of his pocket.

"Oh, they aren't Marlboro. You on the Winston grind?" Kurt jokes as a little timid smile rises on his face.

. Removing the clear plastic seel off of it as he flicked open the tiny lid.

Taking a cigarette out, he placed it to his lips. He patted his jeans for a moment before he found a black themed lighter.

He switched it on and lights his cigarette. Exhaling the smoke out of his lungs as his blue gaze locked back onto the drummer.

"No! I uh.. actually, thought about you." Dave responded. His cheeks turning a little warm of a pastel pink.

Kurt lowered the lit cigarette that rested between his index and middle finger. The clouds of smoke rising in the crisp air.

A bit of blush rises onto the blond's face as he flicked the ashes. Chuckling a bit.

"That's cute that im on your mind, David." Kurt responded as he brought the cigarette back to his lips.

Dave felt his face tint to a brighter red. He turned his head as he chuckled.

"Well, you're one of my bestest friends Kurt, of course i care."

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