The End

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This is the last chapter guys

Jack, Starla and Gwen sit together in the cafeteria of Thames House. They watch Frobisher and Bridget Spears walk up to them.

Bodies are laid out in the hall further down from the cafeteria covered by tarpaulin, soldiers walk among them.

Frobisher and Spears sit down at the table. There is a long silence. Jack looks daggers at Frobisher.

"The threat still stands," Gwen warns.

Frobisher sighs, "Haven't we gone past that...?"

"My husband is still out there with everything you've done recorded on his laptop. One word from me and he will release that information to the public."

"What do you think Torchwood is now? Do you think you're still players?"

"We can try."

"We're at a tipping point right now. Civilization is about to fall into hell. You want to start that descent a little earlier, go ahead."

"He's right," Jack gives in, "Look what happened. Phone Rhys. Tell him we've lost."

Gwen gets up and walks away from the table ringing Rhys' mobile, he answers, "Hello? Yeah, I'm here, I'm bloody freezing. Where are you?"

Gwen sniffles tears running down her face.

"You all right? Do you want me to send the files?"

"It's too late, sweetheart. They've killed him. Not just Clem, they tried to kill Starla though she came back to life, seems Jack's theory was wrong but they've... they've killed Ianto," Her voice breaks on Ianto's name, "He's dead."

Jack carries on the conversation with Frobisher with Starla still beside him, "What about Lois?"

"I'm afraid Miss Habiba is in police custody, charged with espionage."

"Then what about my daughter and grandson?"

"They're free to go as are you," He addresses Starla.

Jack swallows and takes a breath before going on, "Ianto Jones, he's got family back in South Wales, a sister. Has she been told?"

"We're not releasing any of the names, not yet."

"Then let Gwen tell her. You said yourself, the world is going to hell any second. Before it does... give us a moment of grace. Just take Gwen home, please."

Frobisher looks to be giving it some thought. Jack looks at Gwen sitting with her back to a wall, her knees drawn up as she cries, "I can't look at her anymore. You go with her," He tells Starla.

"No," Starla refuses, "I want to go check on Alice and Steven, then I'll go to Sarah Jane's."

"A helicopter can be sorted to take Gwen and Rhys to South Wales," Bridget Spears informs them, "Starla, I'll have someone take you to Ashton Downs where Alice and Steven are being held."

"Thank you," Jack nods gratefully.

On the helipad, Jack turns from Rhys to Gwen. He draws her into his arms and holds her for a moment, then lets her go. Gwen and Rhys do the same to Starla then run to the helicopter. As she steps into the helicopter, Gwen turns to look back at Jack and Starla. He watches as the helicopter lifts off, taking Gwen and Rhys away from London.

One of the soldiers flanking him proceeds to handcuff Jack, who offers no resistance. Starla hugs him before they're both escorted to separate vehicles.


Arriving at Ashton Downs, Starla is met by Agent Johnson, "Starla Harkness."

"I want to see Alice and Steven."

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