New Normal

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After John left Starla and Jack sat the team down and told them everything that happened during the year that never was. "What are you going to do about school and where you'll live?" Gwen questions.

"Not sure," Starla shrugs, "I'm not even sure what's happened to my mum. I'm hoping Sarah Jane or Alan might have found her. I want to finish school but..." She's sure of that, "I don't know where I'd stay and realistically I should be in year 11 now since I'm 14."

"We could get you enrolled in a different school here in Cardiff straight into year 11," Jack suggests, "Do you think your Gran would be against you living with her permanently?"

"Oh god, I bet Gran doesn't know about Mum," She realises, "I don't think she'd mind, we'd have to talk to her but I would mean leaving Sarah Jane and my friends too."

"You could always stay in the year you're in?" Owen puts the option on the table, "No one but us knows your 14 so they won't know any different. Once you finish school then you go by the correct age. You'd just have to find someone to live with."

Starla looks to her dad lost on what to do, her life feels so uprooted, "What do I do?"

Jack sighs, he doesn't want to pull her away from her friends and her school, "Let's start by going to London and finding out what happened to your mum."

Before leaving for London, they head to her Grandma's. They explain everything finding that Mavis had no idea of Eliza's passing but she had a feeling something had gone on due to Starla's absence over the past three months.

She agreed that if Starla should choose to move to Cardiff permanently she'd be happy to take her granddaughter in.

Going back out to the SUV they find Tosh and Owen leaning against it, "What are you two doing here?" Jack questions.

"Ur... we fancied a road trip," Owen shrugs sharing an agreed look with Tosh, "Left Gwen and Ianto in charge of the Hub for a day or two."

Starla laughs knowing they just don't want to miss the action, "And I can help you find where Eliza is should you need it," Tosh adds backing Owen up.

The four get in the car and head for London. Making in just under three hours they arrive mid-afternoon. Pulling up outside Starla's home she instantly noticed the sold sign outside Maria's house.

As the four get out of the car Starla hears her name called turning towards Sarah Jane's house, Luke is coming towards her.

Smiling she immediately hugs him, "Where have you been?" He asks her pulling back after a moment, "So much has happened and your mum..."

"I know about my mum, a lot has happened but has she been removed from the house?"

"Yes, come on. Mum will explain," He links his fingers with hers and Jack, Owen and Tosh follow behind.

"Starla!" Sarah Jane sighs with relief pulling her into a tight hug, "We've been so worried about you. Jack, good to see you and...?" She gestures to Owen and Tosh.

"Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper members of Torchwood Three," Jack introduces them, "A lot has happened and we'll bring you up to date but Luke said you know where Eliza is?"

"We know she's passed away," Starla clarifies, "But her body...?"

Sarah Jane nods shaking their hands, "Please sit," She offers them. Starla, Luke and herself sit on the split-level steps, Jack takes Sarah Jane's desk chair and Tosh and Owen on the sofa. "I went over to check on your mum after I hadn't seen her for a couple of days and had no contact from you. Luke, Maria and Clyde said they'd messaged you but got no reply."

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