* 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 *

431 8 1

"I caught myself smiling and then realized I was thinking about you."



I've been in a bad mood since Ares left me high and dry last night; I wonder why. I've decided that going on a shopping spree will help pass the time till Ares returns from his meeting. "Not doing work during vacation, my ass" I had heard Ares leave early this morning, I mumbled a goodbye before drifting back asleep, Ares had grabbed one of the vehicles, leaving me with the matte black BMW.

Once I arrived at the mall which wasn't as far from the resort as I had previously imagined, I wore a pair of light blue ripped denim shorts, with a strapless corset which was showcased with brown flowers enhancing the boning of the corset. The mall was extremely crowded which made it challenging to make my way into some of the stores, I finally made it into a book store scanning across the bookcases which was lined up against the walls some plants hanging down from the roof the earthy tones contrasting against the weathered oak shelving, the different book heights giving an unique variety.

Ares had sent me a message saying we had dinner with his business colleagues tomorrow evening, and he also informed me he would be arriving before dinner so he appreciate it if I was at the resort when he arrived. I sent him a thumbs-up before sliding my phone back into my back pocket.

I was carrying a dozen daffodils with me, along with some other bags when I left the mall, so my hands were full. The car's keys were dangling in my other hand, and as I moved towards the car, I placed my purchases in the passenger seat. the drive home was pleasant and calm with my music playing gently in the background. As I pulled into the driveway and noticed Ares's car parked in front of the house, as I approached the kitchen to place my bags and flowers on the counter, I heard the shower running from down the hall. 

In my back pocket, my phone was constantly vibrating. Claudia's name flashed across the screen, and I answered the phone to hear Claudia's hyper-voice flow through the phone. Hearing her voice brought a smile to my lips as I walked into the pantry to gather the ingredients for brownies, while Claudia began to ramble about how her mother-in-law was staying with them for a short time. (Claudia and her mother-in-law, have never been friends.)

I was sitting on the counter my phone to my ear as Claudia and I were still talking, my legs were swinging back and forth as I began to pick at the skin around my nails humming at whatever Claudia was saying I looked towards the doorway Ares walks through wearing a tight black shirt which outlined his body showing off his muscles giving me a clear look at the tattoo's gliding down his arms, he sat down on the couch and began looking over some files I didn't know how distracted I was looking at him until I heard Claudia calling my name through the phone.


"Oh sorry, I was distracted!" I laughed

"Were you looking at your husband?" She questioned

"Il vient d'entrer dans la salle, alors oui" I sighed rubbing a hand over my face and hiding my pink cheeks. (He just entered the room, so yes)

"Has something happened that I don't know about..?" I heard the smirk in her voice

"Nothing happened, il était juste un connard, un connard chaud." I muttered the last part.

 (He was just an asshole a hot asshole)

"You wanted something to happen though!" She squealed through the phone. 

"Stop" My cheeks reddened, I looked toward Ares who was looking down at his paperwork with a slight smirk on his face.

The oven alarm went off to notify me that the brownies were done, jumping off the counter I bent down in front of the oven to look at my masterpiece. I let out an excited giggle slipping on the oven mitt, before placing the brownie tray on top of the oven.

"I am such a pro" I announced to Claudia who agreed with me.

"When are you coming back home?" Claudia was currently living in America but would travel to France in the summer.

"I'm hoping to visit Paris soon" I answered, placing the brownie onto the cooling tray.

"When you visit, we should definitely do a photoshoot like the old days" Claudia laughed referring to before Asher.

"We will" I laugh.

Claudia and I hung up the phone, once I began to start cooking dinner. Ares stood up his eyes running along the recipe, I began chopping the vegetables.

"Do you need help?" I looked towards the recipe and back to him.

"Would you mind cutting the pork?" He nodded grabbing the extra chopping board.

We both cooked in silence the only sound apart from our breathing was our knives hitting the chopping boards, sliding the cut vegetables into a bowl beside me. 

"How was your day?" Ares spoke.

"It was fine, boring but fine, how was yours?" I responded taking a sip of my wine.

"It was busy, did I mention the dinner tomorrow?" I nodded, before asking.

"Who is it with anyways?" 

"Someone who wants to make a business deal" He slides the diced onion into the pan with the pork.

"Why are you going to dinner, can't you have a phone call or something?" I questioned.

"Si, but Leonardo thinks if we go to dinner with him and his wife, I'll be more inclined to accept his deal." He explains I nod.

"Enough about work, what did you purchase this afternoon?" He changes the topic, turning to me as the meat sizzles in the pan.

"I got some books, and my favorite flowers" I smile, and his eyes shift to the daffodils.

"Daffodils are your favorite flower?" I nodded.

"I'll remember that" he mumbled behind me, as I placed the vegetables into the pan.

"Your birthday is next month" He noted, I nodded.

I watched as he combined the sauce into the dish, then took a spoonful and held it up for me to taste. I hummed at the incredible flavor.

"Good?" I nodded, his thumb wiping the sauce from the corner of my lips, and my cheeks warmed.

We ate in silence, which was thankfully not awkward, and now we were sitting on our bed, I was reading one of the numerous novels I had brought this afternoon, and Ares was on his phone, with a bitter facial expression on his face. 

"What's wrong?" He turned to me replying 

"Nothing is wrong amore." I nod placing my book on the bedside table.

"Then sleep," I say plucking his phone from his grasp and placing it on top of my book.

"Whatever you say amore." He smiled pulling me into his chest.

"Goodnight amore" I hummed into his chest my eyes feeling heavy, it wasn't long before I succumbed to the darkness.


I was stuck on this chapter for a while and hated how it sounded, but with a few things added with the help of my best friend, I'm happier than I was. I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter, until next time my darlings!

Love you all, Mwah

(I didn't know it had been a month, sorry darlings!)

𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏•Where stories live. Discover now