Was it real?

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"Welcome back," Wednesday said as she pulled the bag off of Tyler's head.

"Where the hell am I?" Tyler asked looking at his surroundings frantically. He saw a bunch of Nevermore kids.

"Somewhere no one can hear your screams," Wednesday stated then walked in front of him.

"What's with the chains?" Tyler panicked.

"Don't ask stupid questions," Wednesday folded her arms.

"Wednesday, this is crazy. I'm a normie," Tyler looked around again, then finally found you, who was in a corner, in the shadows with a worried face.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" His eyes widened and he looked at the other Nevermore kids. 

"Are you helping them?" Tyler felt betrayed and anxious that you had figured him out. You looked down with shame. You hugged yourself and turned away. Tyler frowned.

"You got my own girlfriend to turn against me?" He glared at Wednesday.

"She's not your girlfriend," Wednesday stated sternly. Tyler scoffed.

"What do you want from me, Wednesday?"

"I want you to admit it, admit that you're a monster."

"I'm not! I told you, I'm a normie-" Wednesday interjected.

"That's only half true. Do you recognize her?" Wednesday put a picture in front of Tyler's face. 

"Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would have noticed yours sooner," Wednesday retracted the picture and paced back and forth. "Your father fell in love and married an outcast."

"My mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster," Tyler retorted.

"According to her personal medical records... "

"You stole her medical records?" Tyler's eyes widened.

"Technically, Thing did. He took them from your garage. Your father's quite the pack rat. Her postpartum depression triggered her condition." Tyler shook his head.

"My mom had a severe bipolar disorder. We both know that's a lie."

"She was a Hyde. And your father has been living his life in dread, never quite sure whether or not she passed her condition on to you." Tyler looked at the other students.

"Are you all gonna stand there and let her do this to me? Y/N, please, help me!" Tyler begged.

"Uh, guys? Enid just texted. Thornhill's suspicious. How long until he morphs into that... thing?" Ajax asked.

"I'm not the monster," Tyler was on the verge of tears.

"You are. I saw it in a vision at the Weathervane," Wednesday folded her arms in front of her. Tyler furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? When?" Wednesday clenched her jaw.

"When....well, when..you and Y/N...." Tyler scoffed.

"You were there when we kissed? Were you stalking us?" He turned to you. 

"Y/N, baby, do you actually believe her?" You came out of the shadows and frowned.

"She's my friend, and I trust her with my life," You smiled a little at Wednesday, who gave a faint smile back.

"Y/N....do you not trust me?" Tyler looked at you pleadingly. You gulped and looked down.

"I want to.....but-" Tyler shook his head in denial.

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