Mind if I sit?

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The next morning in the Weathervane.

"You've been staring at that mug for 10 minutes."

"Huh?" A handsome boy walked up to the booth you were occupying. He chuckled.

"...mind if I sit?" He asked motioning to the seat across from you.

"...yeah, sure."

"Name's Tyler," he outstretched his hand.

"Y/N," you shook it with a small smile.

"Mind if I ask why you were staring so intensely at that mug?" You pursed your lips.

"Umm, I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"....school stuff," You shrugged.

"School? Well, okay...." He rubbed a hand behind his neck. "You go to Nevermore?" He pointed to your uniform.

"..yeah." Tyler smiled.

"Cool. Do you have any powers? Or something?" You scratched your head.

"Umm," you looked around the table. "....can I borrow your notepad and pen?"

"Yeah, sure." You grabbed the notepad and pen from Tyler's hands. You blushed at the contact but placed them in front of you. You then used your mind to make the pen write, "Hello Tyler" on the notepad.

"Whoa! That's really cool!" Tyler shouted astonished as he examined the message. You breathed a laugh.

"...you really think so?"

"Definitely. That was amazing," Tyler grinned.

"Really? Cause most people find it weird," You rubbed your shoulder.

"Weird? They're probably just saying that cause they wish they could be as cool as you," Tyler leaned in closer with a smile. You looked down shyly and blushed.


All of a sudden Sheriff Galpin walked into the cafe.

"I'll take the usual Tyler," He turned and realized who Tyler was sitting with.

"Tyler? I've told you not to hang around those Nevermore kids. They're a bunch of weirdos and nothing but trouble."

"Dad!" Tyler turned to see you on the brink of tears.

"I-I gotta go." You grabbed your bag and rushed out of the cafe.

"Wait! Y/N!" Tyler shouted.

On Outreach Day. 

You were in the Weathervane because you were told you had an assignment there.

"Hey, Y/N." Your eyes widened, you recognized that voice. 

You turned around to see Tyler with a nervous smile and his hands in his apron pockets. 

"You here for the festival?" You simply nodded your head then tried to walk away. Tyler gently grabbed your arm before you could leave. 

"Hey, please don't leave. I wanted to talk to you-"

"Ah, Y/N perfect timing," Principal Weems walked into the cafe with a warm smile. 

"I have assigned you to be a barista with Tyler. I'd thought you to would get along swell." You frowned.

"Well, I'll leave you to it Tyler, to show her the ropes." Tyler nodded his head.

"Sure thing."

"Perfect. I'll be leaving now. Make sure to have fun!" Principal Weems nodded her head curtly, then left the cafe. 

As soon as she did, Tyler turned to you.

"So, I guess we're going to be working together." You shrugged.

"I guess."

"Look, Y/N, about what my dad said yesterday, I'm really sorry."

"It's fine," you walked away and went behind the front counter.

"No, it's not," Tyler followed her. You scoffed.

"Well, he's not wrong. We are a bunch of weirdos," You snarked as you put on an apron. 

You angrily tried to tie your hair into a ponytail but it kept becoming messy because you were doing it rashly. Tyler gently placed his hand on your arm. 

You looked at him curiously as he turned your body around, grabbed your hair tie and tied your hair in a low ponytail. You turned around when he finished. You blushed at your close proximity.

"Y/N, you may be different, but that doesn't make you a weirdo," Tyler smiled then tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You huffed.

"Yeah, okay," You gave a faint smile, Tyler noticed and his smile widened.

"But he is right about you guys always getting into trouble," Tyler smirked. You rolled your eyes.

"As if. I'm sure there are plenty of normies that get into trouble all the time." Tyler chuckled.

"Normie, huh? Is that what I'm supposed to be called?" He folded his arms in front of him teasingly. 

"What? 'Cause I'm not as cool as you and I don't have telekinetic powers?" Tyler joked. You breathed a laugh.

"My powers aren't that cool." Tyler scoffed.

"What?! They so are! You were able to write my name on that piece of paper without even touching it! Don't tell me that's not cool!" You laughed.

"Okay, okay. I guess it was pretty cool."

"Hell yeah it was." You both laughed. 

Then you two began washing your hands. Tyler glanced at you.

"So, Y/N.....about yesterday, I- you looked pretty down. Is everything okay with you?" You glanced at Tyler. You sighed.

"....Not really.....my bro-" You cleared your throat. "....I mean....I had a fight...with a...friend."

"Really? I'm so sorry." You shook your head.

"No, the argument....it was actually my  fault. I was too emotional and it caused me to flat out yell at her," You looked down with a frown.

"Wait, was your argument with Wednesday Adams?" You immediately looked up and arched a brow.

"What? How do you know that?"

"Well, she came in here pretty late last night asking for advice. She wanted to know how to handle emotions, or something along the lines of that. You saying that just reminded me of our conversation last night."

"Oh," You smiled to yourself. Cute.

"Yeah, all I told her was to just talk it out with whoever she argued with. I think I should give the same advice to you." You looked down and smiled.

"I guess you're right," You grabbed a towel and dried your hands. "I'll try to talk to her after the festival." You genuinely smiled, then threw the towel at Tyler. He chuckled and dried his hands.

"Well, if you're free after you two 'talk it out'...do you....want to..maybe, hang out?"

"Hang out?" You raised a brow.

"Y-yeah," Tyler played with the towel nervously. "I got the late shift tonight, maybe you can swing by and tell me how it went with Wednesday." Tyler rubbed a hand behind his neck. You chuckled.

"Sure, but I'll have to sneak out. I'm not really supposed to be out in Jericho that late at night." Tyler smirked.

"See what I meant when I said the Nevermore kids always get into trouble," He elbowed you playfully.

"Haha, very funny," You playfully shoved his shoulder back. 

To be continued....

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