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After the festival, you decided to take Tyler's advice and 'talk it out' with Wednesday.

You walked to Wednesday's dorm room and knocked on the door. Wednesday opened the door.

"....Hey, Wednesday." Wednesday bit her cheek.

"........Hello." You rubbed a hand behind your neck.

"Um, can I come in?" Wednesday didn't reply, she only moved aside to let you in.

"Soooo, crazy huh? What happened to the statue?" You tried to start up some small talk. Wednesday smirked.

"What?" You tilted your head confused. You then realized and breathed a laugh. 

"It was you, wasn't it." Wednesday nodded her head with a sly expression.

"I gotta admit, it was pretty cool." Wednesday shrugged. 

"Anyways, I, uh, came here to talk."

".....okay," Wednesday internally sighed.

"So, um, about the other night.....when I, well, you know......" You looked down guiltily. "I'm really sorry about that."

"I already said it was fine."

"Yeah, but, if it was fine, then why have you been ignoring me these last couple of days?"

"Don't take it to heart, I don't usually talk to people often. Me ignoring you is my way of being nice." You slowly nodded your head.

"Oh...I guess that makes sense....I just wanted to apologize because what I did wasn't right." Wednesday pursed her lips.

" wasn't, but what you said was valid....I'm sorry as well, for not speaking to you." You smiled.

"It's okay, I guess I thought we were friends, or something?"

"Friends?" You realized your mistake. Shoot!

"Y-yeah. I mean, maybe I got the wrong idea..." You began shaking your head. "...Never mind, that was stupid of me to say."

"'s not. I just, don't really have friends...and I didn't think anyone would want to be my friend."

"Well, I do.....only if it's okay with you." Wednesday contemplated for a second. 

If she befriended you, what would happen? Did she have to feel obligated to hang out with you? Did she have to tell you all her secrets now? She didn't know how this friend thing worked. 

But, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try, she thought.

"........Sure...I could use a partner in crime." Wednesday smirked. You laughed.

"I'd be happy to get into trouble with you." Wednesday's eyes filled with mischief.

"And possibly murder someone?" Your eyebrows rose.

"Uhh, that's a bit hardcore for me. But I'll be happy to bury the body." You chuckled. Wednesday smirked. 

Yeah, this friend thing will work just fine.

*Time Skip*

A napkin flew off the counter in the Weathervane with an unusually strong gust of wind. Tyler bent down and picked it up. 

When he stood up, you stood behind the counter. Tyler flinched then held a hand on his chest and let out a sigh of relief when he realized who it was.

"Geez! You scared the hell out of me!" You chuckled.

"I learned it, from Wednesday," You smiled, Tyler noticed and grinned.

"Oh, you smiled when you mentioned her name. I'm assuming things went well?"

"Super well, all thanks to you," You leaned against the counter and bit your lip. Tyler placed his arms down on the counter with a smirk. 

Your faces were now merely inches away from each other. He chuckled.

"Oh really? My tacky advice helped solve all your problems?" He glanced down at your lips.

"Sure did," You smirked and to tease him you leaned away, went to a booth and sat down. Tyler shook his head and smiled. He grabbed a mug and a plate and walked to the booth.

"Here you go, m'lady," Tyler placed down a cup of hot chocolate and a croissant.

"You remembered my order?" Tyler playfully bowed then sat across from you.

"Well, of course. How could I forget such an order?" You laughed.

"C'mon it's not that complicated of an order." Tyler faked gasped.

"I have dedicated many hours to remembering your order and making it absolutely perfect!" You giggled. 

"I even put in extra chocolate," Tyler leaned forward and whispered. "We're not really supposed to do that." You arched a brow.

"Oh? What was it about me saying Normie kids always getting into trouble?" Tyler's eyes widened remembering your previous conversation. He chuckled.

"Oh, shoot! You got me there. I guess we are a bunch of trouble-makers." You both laughed. 

"I like seeing you happy." Tyler admitted all of a sudden. You blushed and looked down.

"You do?" Tyler nodded his head with a smile.

"Yeah, it makes me happy too." You looked up at him and smiled genuinely. 

You stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. 

You hadn't realized how handsome Tyler was when you first met him, now seeing him up close you saw all his features and that made you fall for him even more.

At the same time, Tyler was thinking the same thing. But, he thought you were beautiful at first sight. 

From your first encounter he was hooked, well he wasn't really supposed to be, he bit his lip at the thought. He wasn't supposed to fall in love with you in the process of the plan. He couldn't. He shouldn't. 

He internally sighed, he had to stick to the plan. It'll never work out between us, he thought. 

Realizing that he was staring too long, Tyler cleared his throat.

"I uh, wanted to ask you something." You smiled. Gosh that smile will be the death of me.

"Okay." Tyler coughed.

"....Well, I actually signed up for the late shift for this whole week. I wanted to ask if maybe you'd want to hang out during that time?" You pursed your lips and contemplated.

"....I don't know, I'm in enough trouble as it is..."

"Please, Y/N. I don't want to be lonely." Tyler playfully pouted. You rolled your eyes and sighed.

"Well, okay." Tyler smiled, but internally frowned.

"Sounds like a plan."  Sorry Y/N, he thought. 

To be continued....

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