30. Marked for Death

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The Blacks had gone back to France and nearing the end of June, getting closer to Regulus's birthday, they met up with their friends again.

They hung out at Pandora's place. Barty, Aries, Evan, Izzy, Den, Theo, and the Black siblings showed up.

Barty and Evan knew they liked each other, but decided not to start dating yet, even though they acted pretty much like a couple.

The group was hanging out like normal, passing around some bottles and complaining about either homework or waiting for their owl scores.

Ash kept bouncing his leg and scratching at his arm like it was burning, which it was. Both Izzy and Cassie could feel it, but they were ignoring it better.

Aries was the first one to notice, "dude, what's going on?" Ash stopped everything he was doing and looked at his sister. Izzy shrugged and looked at Cass.

"Yeah, alright," she sighed and rolled up her left sleeve, showing off her mark. The other two followed suit and everything stopped.

"Damn," Barty coughed and took a drink.

"Yeah, I'm getting mine in a week when I turn 16," Regulus smiled sarcastically, taking Evan's cigarette as he was still staring at the marks in shock.

Den shook his head and laughed, "no, come on, this has to be a joke, you aren't even legal yet!"

Cassie shrugged, there wasn't much they could really say about it, "our parents made a deal, we train a lot ever since we were little, of course family stuff already teaching us the Dark Arts, but they made sure we were ready for whenever the Dark Lord wanted us and apparently, he wanted us now." Izzy moved closer to Den and started whispering to him as he kept taking glances at her mark.

He felt useless, he couldn't stop her from getting it, he couldn't protect her. "Well, I guess this just means that once we turn 17 the rest of us are joining," Aries laughed and took a drink. Ash smiled at him and they fist bumped.

"Do you guys have an assignment or anything yet?" Theo asked, taking a puff of one of the cigarettes.

Cassie shook her head, "Nope, says he just wants us to keep an eye out for anything going on at Hogwarts, particularly with Dumbledore." Theo nodded and passed the cigarette.

The conversation turned back to being less serious as Pandora started talking about creatures called Nargles that she just learned about from her friend Xenophilius. He always talked about the weirdest things, but none of them were going to say anything.

After they got together, they didn't spend time as a whole group all together for the rest of the break.

They would split off into smaller groups, usually with Pandora, Evan, Barty, and Regulus hanging out, Izzy, Ash, Aries, and Cassie, and Theo and Den. Camilla was becoming a bigger part of their group with her and Aries flirting a lot. He was trying to convince her parents to let him marry her, but they were intent on Regulus.

On his birthday, he woke up early and opened presents from his friends and one from his parents. It was some new dress robes that had the house crest on them, nothing major, but that was to be expected.

That night the two siblings sat down for dinner with an extra placement. Cassie grabbed her brother's hand under the table as they waited in anticipation.

When their parents walked in, so did their guest, he looked less than pleased. Dinner was served before anyone started talking.

"Regulus, you know, you weren't supposed to get the mark," Riddle said as he started eating. "It was supposed to be your brother, but your parents neglected to inform me of your brothers– unwillingness. So, you'll have to do."

Regulus nodded, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, my lord, but I assure you, I am very capable." He slightly smirked, trying not to show the fact that he was, inside, worried and possibly even terrified.

Riddle nodded, "oh, I know, I tested your sister for a reason, it was to see how well you four were trained." Cassie looked at Riddle as she continued to eat. "I won't need to test you, I just trust that when the time comes, you'll be able to do what I need of you?"

Regulus nodded, "of course. I am the best in my year, I have no doubts."

Riddle smirked and nodded, "well then, I suppose after this delicious meal you'll have no problems bearing my mark?" Regulus bowed his head and Riddle smiled. "Perfect."

Riddle then turned to their parents and started discussing some other things as everyone kept eating. Cassie had no problem ignoring them and only responding when she needed to.

"I trust that the blood traitor has been removed from your family tree already?" Riddle laughed, but no one said anything and he stopped laughing. His snake-like eyes narrow at the Black heads of house.

"He will be," Walburga answered. As her mother talked to the dark lord, Cassie could understand why her father was one of the most feared men in the wizarding community and why suddenly Riddle had the upper hand.

Her father's face was one that held no emotion, the only thing he ever showed was annoyance or anger. She heard him make maybe one or two jokes in her entire 16 years of life and it was when she was a lot younger. However, the trust in the Black family was dying down. First it was their Uncle Alphard, then it was Andromeda, now, it was Sirius. They couldn't let another one escape from the family and this was how they could get them to stay.

Cassie didn't even realize that the meal was already ending. One second they were talking and the next– Regulus was up out of his seat, standing right where Cassie had only a few months earlier.

When Riddle placed his wand to Regulus's arm, Cassie could see how painful it was through his eyes. It was the same look he got every time mother used the Cruciatus curse, or when they thought about it.

Even now, thinking about it made her arms feel like they were covered in pins and needles.

The Dark Lord released his arm and Regulus closed his eyes and sighed. Riddle smirked and said his farewells while the other Death Eater in the room only focused on her brother.

As soon as her parents left to walk him out, she jumped out of her chair and Regulus collapsed onto her. He was sweating like crazy. "Alright, let's go," she said, wrapping his arm around her neck and helping him to his room. "Kreacher, I need cold wash cloths, calming draught, and some water!" She ordered, rushing up the stairs.

Cassie kicked open her brothers door and laid him on his bed. "Take your coat and button shirt off." Regulus did as she instructed, leaving him in just a tank top.

"Is it supposed to be this bad?"

Cassie nodded as Kreacher came in with what she asked for. First, Cassie gave him the calming draught, then she pulled a chair over and sat next to him, putting the wash cloth on his forehead.

"When it happened to me, I took a cold shower and still passed out," she told him and he somewhat chuckled.

"It would've been funny if I didn't know why it happened," he said, breathing heavier.

Cassie grabbed the glass of water and he drank a few sips before she placed it back on his side table. "It burns," he winced and tried to scratch it but Cassie stopped him.

"It'll only make it worse." Regulus nodded and moved his arm back to his bed. "It burns whenever he's calling a meeting too, it's the worst during class, either have to ignore it or skip class."

Regulus groaned and threw his head against his pillow. He opened his eyes just wide enough to look at the fresh mark that was still pink around the edges. Tears came to his eyes, "what did we do?'

Cassie looked at him sadly, "survived."

Regulus formed his lips into a thin line, "I wrote him, you know– after he left." She looked at her younger brother and he seemed older all of the sudden, like he had gained maturity in the span of seconds– or maybe, she was just noticing it. "I never got a reply."

She couldn't bear to see him in so much pain, he was too young for all of this, at least she was almost of age. She moved her hand to his and held it as he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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