C14: Backstage

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Xin Qing was forced to be absent, and Shen Qi bravely stepped up to take the center position (C position).

This news quickly spread, and internet critics seized the opportunity.

"Someone who initially established a public image against plagiarism and theft, now she knows there are problems with the choreography for 'Fascination,' but she's still going on stage. Is she slapping herself?"

"This whole image thing, who believes it? Whoever believes it is a fool. I noticed she was awkward from the start. She can't sing and can't dance; her popularity solely relies on marketing tactics. Even if Xin Qing is sick, there's still Zhou Xinlei and Su Jing. Does it really fall to her to take the C position?"

"MSG is so manipulative. At first, when everyone had her on the C position, she didn't seem willing at all. Now she's taking advantage of the situation. Even if Xin Qing is absent, we still have Zhou Xinlei and Su Jing. Why does she get the C position?"

Critiques against Shen Qi were overwhelming online. Shen Qi's fans were fighting back tirelessly. The managers in the fan group hadn't slept for a day and night, busy leaving comments on trending topics, countering the critics on Weibo, engaging in battles of words with trolls. The opposition seemed organized, as if someone was orchestrating it...

MSG Fan Group:

Window Curtains: They've gone too far. The show hasn't even aired, and they're already blaming the leader! It's infuriating, really infuriating!

Union Leader: Hang in there! Once the show airs, we'll make them eat their words.

Window Curtains: But there are rumors outside that the director is going to cut out the scenes with our leader. She's working so hard, can't they at least let people know? It would be great if we could go to the venue and support our leader, to let everyone know how amazing our MSG girls are!

Storekeeper: And MSG boys!

Although Shen Qi had more female fans, she also had a fair share of male fans, and all of them were enthusiastic supporters. For instance, the head of the fan support group had a significant following. However, something strange had happened this time – the usually active Head of Fan Support hadn't made a peep for twenty-four hours.

Suddenly, the group chat was flooded with ten consecutive messages, all in large, bold red letters, a truly eye-catching sight:

"First live performance group ticket pre-orders! Those who can attend, download the form from the group file, fill it out, and sign up. After passing fan verification, you will receive 150 A Zone A tickets. Long-distance train and plane tickets for the performance will be reimbursed after the event. Official support shirts and lightsticks will be distributed on-site, along with other fan merchandise. Let's go to the venue and fight for our beloved idol!"

Spokesperson: Head of Fan Support!

Everyone: !!!

Big boss, we salute you!

On the other side, the members of Shen Qi's group were completely unaware of the online discussions. During the day, they had to focus on rehearsing new moves and formations, and during breaks, they communicated actively with the production team. Unlike the company, they couldn't directly talk to the higher-ups of the production team, so they could only communicate through the director.

Director Li looked at the girls, who were so dedicated that they managed to create an entirely different dance routine in just one day. He couldn't help but feel a bit shaken.

In the end, he agreed to let their group perform as scheduled. The post-production would also proceed normally. However, whether the performance would be broadcast and whether it would be edited was not within his control.

The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C-DebutNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ