48 | The World

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Recommended song: Part II (On the Run) By Jay-Z & Beyoncé

"You look... beautiful."

"I still can't believe you're really getting married."

I couldn't help but smile slightly, looking between Arya and my mom who were both standing behind me.

This morning managed to whip past me—from getting to the venue, having hair and makeup done, before finally sliding into my custom-made dress.

The corset managed to hug my body perfectly, lifting up my cleavage while the bottom half of the dress spilled out like a ballgown.

What I loved most was the white sheer lace at the front of the dress, allowing my tanned legs to peek through.

"I can't believe this is happening either," I breathed out, clearly still processing that we were really doing this.

We're really getting married.

I felt more nervous than I had possibly felt before, especially since I hadn't seen Noa since yesterday after getting gelato.

We had been separated purposefully for the night, and now I was anticipating when I would finally get to lay eyes on her again.

Would I grin idiotically?

Or maybe cry?

I hope I last at least the first half of the wedding, so my makeup won't be too messed up in some of the pictures.

My mom gently adjusted my long dark hair that was spilling onto my shoulders, "I'm so happy for you, Lun," she said, and I could already feel the heaviness grow in my eyes.

"Please don't make me cry," I breathed out, laughing slightly as I nudged her away.

I swear I had never felt so sentimental before.

"Yeah, I think Francesca would pass out if Lundy's makeup got ruined," Vincent called out, walking into the room with my dad.

And even the sight of my dad and my very annoying brother—I easily felt more sentiment grow around me.

Who even am I right now?

My dad laughed, "You at least have to make it down the aisle without crying," he joked, pulling me into a gentle hug.

I let out a weak laugh, trying to keep myself together, "You're right—besides, Vince's nauseating presence makes that easy enough," I joked, even if it was a complete lie.

Vincent dramatically scoffed as he stood by Arya, "That's so not true," he countered.

I hummed, pressing my lips together, "You're right," I admitted, looking up at the dome ceilings to hold back any tears.

"That's a first," my mom joked, gently guiding me away from the mirror.

My dad nodded, "Yeah, you better take this in Vince," he joked, looping his arm with mine.

And that's how I knew it was time.

Vincent chuckled, "Oh, I am. By any chance could you say that again, Lundy? I need to get that on recording," he said, walking over to me with Arya.

I jokingly smacked his shoulder, but he only laughed, looping his arm with my other as Arya and my mom stood in front of me.

"Ready Ms. Spade?" Arya questioned, purposefully using my last name which was about to be changed.

I still couldn't believe this was all happening.

I nodded, taking in a few deep breaths to calm my nerves down, "So ready," I forced out.

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