9| Good Fucking Morning

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Recommended song: Not Nice By PARTYNEXTDOOR

"Girl, where did you sneak off to last night?" Arya asked as she sipped her iced coffee, "Or should I say who did you sneak off to last night?" she corrected with an insinuating smirk.

I forced a tight smile, knowing I definitely snuck off with someone—who happened to fucking edge me.

And trust that I knew better than to go fuck someone else, knowing Noa she'd find out and inflict an even worse punishment on me.

Which sadly left me with the option to take the coldest shower possible before forcing myself to go to sleep.

I swear I'm a ticking time bomb, I mean any attractive woman could glance my way and I'd explode.

I fucking hate Noa—and at this point, that's become such an often thought that it's like a daily habit to me.

Like some sort of fucking affirmation.

"No one, I just got tired so I headed back to my room," I replied to Arya, lazily taking a sip of my water as everyone dug into their breakfast dishes around me.

Everyone but Noa.

I mean, where the fuck is she?

"Lundy," I heard my brother's familiar voice interject my thoughts as he sat down in front of Arya and me.

I forced a smile, realizing that for once, I'm so not in the mood to annoy people or be annoyed.

"Good fucking morning," I said sarcastically as I swallowed my water.

Vincent smiled slightly, taking in my face completely, "Someone seems irritated—did you fall out of bed in the middle of the night again?" he asked, clearly fucking with me about the time I had actually fallen out of bed... on numerous occasions.

I forced my tight smile to grow, hoping to push away my irritation, "No," I said, knowing that what Noa pulled yesterday seemed entirely worse.

I furrowed my brows at Vincent's sudden silence, realizing he was looking over at Arya—who had her lips pursed into a small smile that she seemed to be fighting.

Don't tell me they're—

"Ms. Spade, there's a car waiting for you," One of the men in the black suits suddenly informed me as he visibly listened in on his earpiece.

My brows furrowed along with Vincent's and Arya's.

"My sister isn't going anywhere, especially if I don't know where," Vincent said, suddenly standing from his chair with a serious look.

The man in the suit blinked a few times, knowing to tread carefully due to Vincent's high position, "It's orders from the boss—something about Ms. Spade requesting a new wardrobe... for this season?" he said, clearly confused by the slightest bit of fashion talk.

I smiled happily, "Oh yeah, I'm good to go, Vince," I assured him as I stood from my chair.

I seriously couldn't wait to refresh my wardrobe—this will definitely make up for being edged.

I mean fashion was like sex talk to me.

Vincent gave me a hesitant look as he slowly sat back down in his seat, "Fine, but I want max security detail on her."

The man in the suit nodded once, "Boss already has it covered," he assured him, which earned a nod of confirmation from my brother.

I felt my smile grow, leaning down to give Arya a brief hug, "See you guys soon," I said, turning on my heel as Vincent gave me a dramatically offended look.

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