37 | Six Months?

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Recommended song: Crew Love By Drake

I forced a smile, "That's not necessary," I said, knowing the last person I wanted to be around was her. 

Vincent only smiled, indicating that he was up to no good, "I never said it was," he said, walking toward me, which forced Arya to trail behind him. 

"I'll catch you in the morning, Vince," she suddenly spoke up, and I practically felt relief flow through me—knowing she was sitting this one out. 

But Vincent only shook his head, "You're coming too," he said, leaving her no room to decline, "We're all going—and we're going to have fun." 

It would be far from fun—try awkward instead. 

As he opened the door, I pulled him to my side, "What are you doing?" I whispered to him as we walked down the long hall forcing them to walk behind us. 

Vincent gave me a casual smile, "Getting you guys back together, what does it look like?" he said, keeping his voice lowered. 

I furrowed my brows, As if that would happen—besides, when did he suddenly decide to be supportive? 

"First of all—that's not happening," I went ahead and shut his idea down, "And secondly, you can't just randomly decide to be supportive out of nowhere," I added, keeping my tone quiet as we approached the elevator. 

Vincent only shrugged, "I'm pretty sure I can randomly decide anything," he countered back as he pressed the elevator button. "I seriously can't deal with her coldness anymore—and I also can't deal with the emotionally unavailable sex machine that you're turning into." 

And while I wanted to sarcastically correct him, I also couldn't help but pick up on what word he chose to use for her. 


So does that mean it affected her too? 

I shook my head at the thought as we got into the elevator, forcing me to shrink back into the corner and away from her. 

"It feels like you're mentally and physically safer with her," Vincent whispered, clearly waving his protective older brother white flag. 

And for a moment, I could conclude that he was right—I was safer with her. 

But she didn't seem to think that, and now it's too late to fix what she broke so terribly. 

"How about you just focus on your girl instead," I retorted, keeping my tone lowered and hoping he'd just leave both of us alone. 

Everything was perfectly fine—life was good. 

But Vincent only smiled, easily indicating that he wasn't letting this one go, "Well, we're here for another day because of a meeting so prepare to spend a lot of sibling time with me," he jokingly nudged me 

And by sibling time, he definitely means she'll be accompanying him too. 


I let out a deep sigh as the elevator doors slid open, forcing us to all step off into the posh lobby. 

"But why am I excited to go out with you," Arya said, smiling as she looped our arms together. 

I pursed my lips into a smile, "Trust me, everyone is," I said, knowing that the woman from earlier would love to be in Arya's shoes. 

"Lunden Spade," I told the man my name, forcing his eyes to glance down at the list. 

The line for the club was as long as ever, but I was used to this sort of ritual—Syd always made sure I could walk right up and tell them my name. 

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