'You said you liked it' johnny

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One shot
Word count: 635 words

As soon as I heard the knock on my front door, I ran down my stairs and opened it. Johnny was stood there, his beautiful blonde hair falling on his forehead, his gorgeous blue eyes staring back into mine. He had blue jeans, a white t shirt and his red cobra Kai jacket. I smiled and opened my arms and wrapped them around his neck. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer.

'Hi love' he said, nuzzling his face into my neck and squeezing my back. The nickname made my heart tingle and butterflies start to fly in my stomach.

'Hi Johnny' I reply and pull away.
'Come on!!' I pull him inside and I pull him onto the sofa.
'So what do you want to watch?' I ask him and look into his eyes.
'We should watch eyes without a face.' He replies, looking back at me just as intensely.
I smile,knowing that he's said that to make me happy because he knows that it's my favourite movie. I put the vhs tape into the player and lie back onto the sofa.
Johnny sits facing toward the tv on the sofa, whilst I have my back against his side and his arm is around my neck. Half way through the movie, I look down at johnnys hands and I start to fiddle with his ring.
'I love this' I said, twisting it whilst it was still on his finger.
He chuckled and kissed the back of my head instead of replying with words

Time skip to the next Monday at school

I sighed as I opened my locker to get my books for my next lesson. Science. I hate science with everything in me but I have Tommy in that class so it's not that bad. And the teacher is the loveliest person ever. I grabbed my book and closed my locker.
'Y/N!!' I heard Johnny shout me from my right and I spin around to face him
'Hi!' I smile at him as he reaches me. He hands me a little green bag filled with white tissue paper.
'What's this?' I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. It's not my birthday for another two months and it's the middle of may, it's definitely not Christmas.
'Open it!' He smiles, seeming excited for my reaction.
I smile and look back down at the bag, taking the tissue paper out and looking at the small velvet,burgundy box sitting at the bottom. I look back up at johnny smiling, allowing him to take the tissue paper from my hand so I can open the box. I take the box out the bag and open it. I gasp as I see the ring that Johnny had on when he was round my house a few days ago.
Tears well up in my eyes as I look at him. He smiles at me as he pulls me into a hug.

'You said you liked it' He muffled against my scalp as he hugged me.
I pull away and take the silver ring out the box. I hold it inbetween my fingers, taking in all the beautiful swirls and patterns that are engraved in the ring. I look up at johnnys hand to see which finger and hand he wears his so I can wear it too.
I slip my new ring on the same finger and hold my hand out infront of me to take in its beauty.
'Do you like it?' Johnny asked, worried that I might not.
'Of course I do!' I jump back into his arms, causing him to laugh as he stumbles back.
'I love you y/n.' He says as he holds me
'I love you too,Johnny' I reply

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