What they do if another guy flirts with you

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Johnny: he tries to mind his own business because he's with his mates but when he sees the guy getting too flirty, he'll come up behind you and say she's got a boyfriend and drag you away to him and the boys.

Tommy: he , like Johnny, tries to mind his own business but he doesn't wanna see anyone else near you if they are making you uncomfortable so he comes up to you and starts kissing you until the guy walks away.

Bobby: Bobby's not a very jealous person but when he sees someone else near you, making you uncomfortable he can't help himself but come up and hug you from behind and kisses you until the guy gets the point.

Dutch: Let's be honest, Dutch would go right up to them and punch them ✋🏻

Jimmy: He would see the guy flirting with you but be scared that you would leave him for the guy so he minded his business but when you came over to him saying you were really uncomfortable being near the guy, he took you back to his house and cuddled you all night😊

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