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Caspar awoke to a sudden jolting motion and a painful, throbbing sensation in the back of his skull. The first few seconds were blissful; Caspar thought for a few split seconds he was back in his apartment, Joe in the next room to him. He'd get up, lounge around for a bit, edit a video and then he'd maybe go out with Joe...

Then he remembered. He wasn't in his apartment at all; the moving motion under him was the first clue. The second would be, as Caspar discovered when he attempted to sit up, he seemed to be tied in some kind of rope. The third would be the world was pitch black, due to a blindfold over his eyes. Really, he could be anywhere.

It seemed unreal to him at first, as though he was in some kind of dream. The horror and panic of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. His heart began to pound as he writhed against his restraints, to no prevail. His ties didn't budge; leaving him slumped in a half-sitting position against the wall of the... van? Car? Caspar could be on a roller-coaster, for all he knew.

His hair stuck to his face from sweat by this point, his body pumped with adrenaline. With all of Caspar's remaining strength he twisted against his restraints and managed to get an arm free to wrench the blindfold from his eyes. The light wasn't much brighter, but he could see in the dimness that he was in the back of a van. It was pretty barren, apart from a few boxes sliding about behind him. A row of brighter light shone to the left of him, and when Caspar looked he could see the front of the van.

His heart skipped a beat, he'd be able to see the driver. He'd be able to find out who it was that had been attacking him; he'd be able to put the pieces together and work out why they were doing this to him.

Oli, was his first thought. It's Oli, all of it.

His free hand reached up to tenderly touch the faded light brown bruise left by his supposed 'friend', wincing at the contact even though it didn't hurt anymore. Slowly and as inconspicuously as he could, he leaned forwards to peer at the driver. And slumped back with a sigh. Whoever it was had thought right through his plan and worn a rather large hat so he couldn't see the back of the driver's face or the side of his head. This infuriated Caspar, they already had him, why hide even longer?

"Where are you taking me?!" Caspar blurted, unable to contain himself any longer, "what do you want with me?!"

His captor didn't reply, nor did they acknowledge Caspar had even spoken. Caspar let out a frustrated yell and hit his head against the wall of the van, hitting where he had been hit previously beforehand.

"What did I do to you?!"

"Let me go!"

"What happened to Joe?!" Caspar didn't even care that his captor wasn't taking him on, he continued to scream blindly for an entire twenty minutes before, finally, the van screeched to a stop.

Caspar couldn't see where they were, and frankly he'd lost interest in caring. He heard the front door open and felt the van shake as it slammed shut, heard the crunch of footsteps coming towards him on a gravel road. The echoing noise of traffic had long since been lost; in fact, the noise of the world seemed to have stopped. Caspar couldn't hear anything except the sound of his heart racing in his chest, the rhythmic thumps being the only thing reminding him he was still alive.

When the back doors of the van flung open, Caspar could've cried.

The sudden harsh sunlight made Caspar wince; he'd been in the dark for so long. How long had he been out for? Hours, days? The dry taste in his mouth indicated he'd been out for more than a couple of hours at least.

In the past hour he'd been awake in the van for, he had thought about what he'd do when the captor opened the door. He'd imagined himself throwing his body at the opening and trying his best to make a run for it, or at least using some of his energy to put up a fight for his freedom. Caspar was surprised at himself when he did nothing to escape. He didn't even turn his head towards the other person standing in the doorway.

Minutes passed, and neither of the two made any effort to move. They both sat (and stood) as still as statues, as though waiting for one another to make the first move. Caspar was in fear for his life, was he going to get attacked again? His hair was sore from the first time.

Agonisingly slow, Caspar turned his head to the figure in the doorway.

A male stood before him, sickeningly familiar. Tall, lanky, with medium brown hair that he kept adjusting frantically as though he was nervous, brown eyes that were a puffy red colour like he'd been crying... Caspar took a sharp intake of breath.

"Jim?" He questioned.

Jim's facial expression softened, his eyebrows furrowed for a second as he gazed at the floor. He nodded slowly, sniffing as he seemed to regain himself enough to look at Caspar again.

"Jim... why are you doing this?" Caspar whispered.

"Get out of the car, Caspar," Jim replied, ignoring Caspar's question.


"Get out of the van!" Jim snapped, still not looking at Caspar even once. Jim tugged at Caspar's restraints and then grabbed Caspar by the arm, pulling him out of the car and onto a deserted ditch by the side of a forest.

Caspar stumbled as he was pulled out, almost falling and he would have, if Jim hadn't grabbed hold of him.

Of course it had to be Jim. Oli wouldn't be strong enough to drag Caspar kicking and screaming to the van, wouldn't have the balls to, frankly. But it didn't bring Caspar any closer to his answer, why was Jim doing it?

"Jim, what's going on?" Caspar questioned again. Jim sighed.

"You know what's going on, Caspar," Jim mumbled, sounding... disheartened?

"No! I fucking don't!" Caspar protested, struggling against Jim's grasp a little.

"Caspar, stop! You're fucking lucky we're taking care of this ourselves instead of handing you over to the police! Just stay quiet until we get there."

"Handing me into the police for what? What I did wasn't a crime!"

Jim stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes darkened as an enraged look crept onto his face, "you better shut up now, Caspar. You're not even sorry for what you did, are you?!"

"For sleeping with Alfie? Of course I'm sorry for it, but I don't understand what you're doing this for! You're the one threatening me over the phone! Let me go, Jim! I haven't done anything wrong!"A different expression crossed Jim's face now, one Caspar didn't expect. Pure confusion.

"What do you mean, you slept with Alfie? And I never threatened you over the phone!"

"Then why am I here?!"

"Because Joe's dead because of you! You murdered him, Caspar!"

+i'll let myself out
also, if anyone would like a chapter dedicated to them let me know in the comments. this one is dedicated to my friend ashley (because she pressured me into it)

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