CH 18 - Rules of Nature

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[ Bloodlust's POV ]

"W-whadya mean it's too big?!?!"

This is fucking bullshit!

"We literally mean it. We can't prepare your weapon within a day, You have to understand that with how big you want it to be made, We have to take a longer method to cool the metal and add mechanisms that you wanted. You have to give us atleast 2 days to sort it out."

But.... but my book said the processing part only takes a day!

"There's.... There's no shortcuts...?"

The man looked at me with a deadpan stare, There's really none?!?

"Alright... I'll come back for it in two days..." I sigh in defeat and turned around, If only i could get there myself and work on it.... But no! I was banned! The audacity!

I wonder if i can ask the doctor to lift my bans?

"Ah, Bloodlust." Amiya greeted me with an uncomfortable tone, but hey, a greeting is a progress!

"Hm? Need me for something?" Thinking about it, this would be the first time she ever talked to me... So her asking me to do something would be a huuuge step!

"The people at the loading docks were looking for you, Seemed like they needed your help"

Ah, the cargo job again...

Sometimes i walk around trying to build my reputation of being a helpful guy, But it seemed like the staff members on the loading docks  were used to me more than the other departments


Although it's probably because i carry the more dangerous stuff for them

Ehh....  but I'm going to get deployed soon...


I gave Amiya my heartfelt thanks ( She somehow didn't like that???) Before I went to the loading docks. And as I predicted, It was the same old 'Carry big and dangerous looking stuff '.

I didn't understand why! It's just a container! It's not like it's filled with originium slugs for research purposes anyways...

I did the job fast as i could and gave the co workers my blessing of luck before leaving to the rendezvous. Which was the Doctor's office.

By the time I have arrived and carefully opened the door ( so that i don't break it ), I was already beaten by people.

Lappland.... And.... Uh.... I don't know who that Nun is

"Took your time~ were you scared?"

"Ah! It's the dumb man who got scolded!"

... Thanks soooooo much for the greetings Lappland....

"Alright doggy, Thanks very much for introducing me. Can you sit down and let me get a recap? I'll give you dog treats if you behave like a good girl" All i saw afterwards were a fuming lupo and a somewhat chuckling Nun.

"Alright, Calm down you three. Let's start our plans. We're helping Bolivar out by thinning out the Reunion's reinforcement as well as delivering supplies. Any questions?"

I immediately raised my hands


"Why can't we just send her?" I point at the angry Lappland "Hah! What? Scared for your life?!"

"No? Attack dog goes first, People after-"

"Fuck you!"


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