Another Great Plan

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"Now what?" Oliver asked, pausing to catch his breath.

"We save Sirius," Hermione declared, determination shining in her eyes.

Oliver's eyebrow shot up in surprise. "How on earth are we gonna do that?"

Hermione shrugged, her steps resolute as she led the way forward. "No idea," she admitted.

Oliver quickly started following Hermione, his footsteps echoing in the silent night. "You really should have planned this out more,"

They walked cautiously, trying to minimize their presence as they advanced. Eventually, they reached a clearing where they could see the Whomping Willow in the distance. Their hearts raced as they watched Lupin cast "Immobulus" on the tree, temporarily ceasing its violent movements to create a safe entrance. Moments later, Professor Snape quietly approached, his figure blending into the shadows.

"And now we wait," Oliver said, the anticipation evident in his voice as he sat on the ground.

Hermione settled beside him, her head gently resting on his shoulder. "And now we wait," she agreed.

Oliver interlocked his fingers with Hermione as he grabbed her necklace around her neck with his free hand. "So, you've been traveling through time with this thing all year?" he asked.

"Yup, it's how I got to all my lessons."

"I knew it!" Oliver exclaimed excitedly. "I knew I wasn't going crazy. Me and Ron both noticed it. It was like you were just appearing out of thin air."

Hermione laughed and explained, "That's not possible, Oliver. I would simply sit down at the desk and then fast forward time until it started."

"Just when I thought you couldn't be any more of a nerd," Oliver teased.

Hermione playfully shoved him and laughed, saying, "Oh, shut up."

There was a moment of silence between them, and eventually, Hermione broke it. "I have a question for you," she said.

"Hmm," Oliver replied, looking back at her with curiosity.

"Well, I saw you cast a patronus back at the lake. I know you need to think of a really powerful memory in order to be able to do that. What memory did you choose?"

Oliver gazed up at the starry night sky and placed his finger on his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I thought about my first time coming to Hogwarts. I thought about how amazed and awestruck I was. But it seems like it wasn't strong enough since the dementors tore right through me."

Hermione's brow furrowed with concern. "Oliver, maybe it's not just about the strength of the memory. Perhaps it's about finding a memory that truly makes you feel safe and protected. Something that brings out the light within you."

Oliver put his head down, feeling a wave of uncertainty wash over him. "Maybe you're right. I just hope that whoever saved us is still there this time, and that we somehow didn't manage to mess up the entire timeline," he admitted.

Hermione saw the worry etched on Oliver's face and reached out to comfort him. She gently placed her hand on his, intertwining their fingers. "It'll be alright, Ollie," she assured him, her voice filled with sincere reassurance.

Oliver looked up at her, his eyes meeting hers, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for having Hermione by his side.

No one made him feel as safe and at home as she did.

"Hermione... I love-" Oliver's words were abruptly interrupted by distant screams piercing the air.

In the midst of the chaos, Lupin had transformed into a werewolf and was engaged in a fierce battle with Sirius, who had taken the form of a dog.

Hermione swiftly got to her feet, her eyes focused on the unfolding events. "Let's go," she declared, determination lacing her voice, as she began running along the tree line. Oliver wasted no time and followed closely behind her.

They stopped abruptly, their hearts pounding, as they witnessed Henry tumbling down the hillside and the werewolf hot on past Oliver's heels.

Hermione's mind raced, searching for a way to distract the ferocious beast and protect Oliver. Without a second thought, she began to howl like a wolf, hoping to divert its attention.

Oliver's eyes widened in shock, and he swiftly moved to cover her mouth with his hand, trying to stifle the sound. "What are you doing?!" he hissed, fear etched on his face.

Hermione forcefully pushed his arm away, determined to save him. "Saving your life," she replied, before unleashing another wolf-like howl.

The werewolf halted in its tracks, momentarily stunned by the unexpected sounds. It turned its attention towards Hermione, its yellow eyes gleaming with fury.

The werewolf wasted no time in pursuit of Oliver and Hermione, its heavy paws pounding on the forest floor.

"Great, now it's coming for us!" Oliver exclaimed, fear lacing his voice.

Hermione's face fell, realizing the oversight in her impulsive action. "Yeah, I didn't think about that," she admitted, regret filling her tone.

"You never do!" Oliver snapped, his fear morphing into anger as adrenaline surged through his veins.

Feeling the weight of the moment, Hermione swiftly turned around and delivered a firm slap on Oliver's shoulder. "Run!" she commanded, urgency resonating in her voice, before she sprinted further into the depths of the woods.

Oliver shook off the sting of her slap and quickly followed suit, his frustration evident in his tone. "Another amazing plan by the great Hermione Granger!" he yelled.

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