The Hospital Wing

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"He's not looking so good," a voice whispered, laden with concern.

"Does it come as a surprise, you imbecile? He plummeted a staggering five hundred feet!" retorted another voice.

A bone-chilling silence punctuated the air, broken only by the sound of heavy breaths. Oliver's mind began to stir, ebbing gradually into a fragile realm of consciousness. As the veil of unconsciousness lifted, he became aware of the menacing exchange unfolding in his vicinity.

Emerging from the depths of his groggy state, the words of the conversation filtered through, each syllable cutting through the haze. His heart pounded in his chest as he absorbed the grim reality of his situation, his senses sharpening against his will.

"I'll throw you off the astronomy tower and see how you look, Ron," a voice growled, seething with cold fury, the threat echoing with palpable menace.

Oliver's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the concerned faces of his siblings, Ron, Harry, and Hermione, hovering anxiously around him. The sight of their worried expressions offered a flicker of solace amidst the chaos that had just unfolded.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Hermione's voice carried a mix of relief and worry as she knelt beside him, her eyes searching for signs of injury.

"Not great," Oliver responded, his voice strained as he struggled to prop himself up. Each movement sent a sharp pang through his body, a reminder of the turmoil he had endured.

"Can you just, like, go a measly five seconds without almost dying, Ollie? Please, I'm begging you—for both me and Isabella's sake," Henry's exasperated words spilled forth.

Trying to steady himself, Oliver chose to disregard his brother's plea, his focus shifting instead to the pressing matter at hand. With a determined effort, he managed to sit upright, his gaze sweeping across the group. His voice trembled as he voiced his query, "Where's Professor Lupin?"

Silence hung heavy in the air as the assembled faces exchanged puzzled glances. Uncertainty mingled with confusion on their features, leaving Oliver with a sinking feeling in his gut. "Um, we... don't know," Isabella finally admitted.

"I have to find him!" Oliver bellowed as he rose to his full height. The fire of determination blazed in his eyes, unwavering in the face of his battered state.

"Whoah, bro, you took a brutal spill out there. You must remain here and allow yourself to recuperate," Henry pleaded as he attempted to coax Oliver into laying back down, hoping to quell his impulsive resolve.

Disregarding his brother's pleas, Oliver brushed past him, his body fueled by an adrenaline-fueled resolve that surpassed his physical limitations. The world around him blurred as he propelled himself forward, pushing through the crowd in his path, his purpose eclipsing any thoughts of rest or caution.

"I have... To find..." Oliver's voice trailed off, the weight of his exhaustion and injuries bearing down upon him with an unremitting force. His legs buckled beneath him, betraying his desperate yearning, and he crumpled to the unyielding ground. The echo of his unfinished sentence hung in the tense air, a testament to his unwavering determination tempered by the unforgiving cost it exacted.

A collective sprint ensued, the onlookers refusing to let a moment pass in coming to Oliver's aid.

"You need rest!" Isabella's exclamation pierced the air as she pleaded with Oliver to take heed.

"No," Oliver exclaimed, defying his body's limits as he struggled to stand, only to be unceremoniously toppled back down by the weight of his own weakness. His determination, though valiant, proved insufficient against the overwhelming reality of his physical state.

"We're not letting you leave in such a wretched condition, and that is final!" Henry asserted with unwavering sternness, his voice cutting through the tension. "Now, get back in that bed."

"I... Just," Oliver began, his voice quivering with the weight of emotional turmoil, before tearing up uncontrollably.

Hermione, her own tears welling up, quickly enveloped him in her arms, followed soon by Isabella. Their collective embrace aimed to offer solace, a futile attempt to alleviate the overwhelming sadness that consumed Oliver.

"I'm so tired of being afraid," Oliver choked out, his words stifled by the heavy flow of tears cascading down his face. The burden of fear had become too much for him to bear any longer.

Sensing his despair, Henry, Ron, and Harry joined in, wrapping their arms around Oliver, forming a protective shield of love. The tightly knit group hug commenced, the warmth of their bodies offering fleeting respite as Oliver quietly sobbed, his heartache echoing through the fragile silence.

"It's okay," Hermione whispered softly, her voice a tender lullaby, as she gently stroked his hair. "We're all here for you." Her words, though well-intentioned, were a reminder of the immense support surrounding Oliver, yet they offered little consolation against the suffocating sadness that had settled within his soul.

Oliver's anguish intensified, his sobs growing louder with each passing moment. The weight of his fears, his regrets, his pain pressed down upon his weakened shoulders, threatening to crush him completely. The agony of feeling utterly alone, even in the midst of his loved ones, pierced his heart with a searing, unbearable ache.

"Please, Oliver, let us help you," Ron implored. "We can't bear to see you like this."

But Oliver's despair had consumed him whole, clouding his mind with darkness and drowning out any flicker of hope. His thoughts, warped and twisted by the suffocating weight of his emotions, whispered siren songs of surrender.

"I don't see any way out," he gasped through his sobs. "I feel trapped, suffocated by my own fears. What's the point of fighting when I don't even believe in myself anymore?"

The room fell silent, the harsh reality of Oliver's words leaving an indelible mark on their hearts. Hermione tightened her grip, her own sadness pooling in her eyes, as she struggled to find the right words that could offer even the slightest shred of solace.

"Oliver, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with the weight of her love. "You are not alone. We believe in you, even when you cannot find the strength to believe in yourself. We will hold your hand through every dark moment, and we will fight beside you until you find the light again."

But Oliver's desolation persisted, his body shivering with the intensity of his anguish. His heart screamed in agony, begging for release from the grip of despair that seemed to grow tighter by the moment.

As the silent tears spilled from his eyes, his loved ones continued to envelop him in their embrace. Each one held on tightly, their united strength refusing to waver in the face of his despair.

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