Saving Buckbeak

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Hermione was basically dragging Oliver along as she walked with a purpose. Oliver asked, "Hermione, please tell me what's going on," as he tried to wrap his head around everything that was happening.

Without uttering a word, Hermione swiftly shoved Oliver into a nearby broom closet. She shut the door and leaned against it, pressing her ear against it to listen intently.

"Um, Hermione?" Oliver whispered uncertainly.

"Shhh," she hushed him, waving her arm in a gesture to stay quiet.

Oliver obediently stayed silent for a few seconds until he heard raised voices coming from outside. The voices sounded angry, and as they got closer, Oliver could start to make out who it was.

"Oh my god. Is that-"

"Us," Hermione completed his thought.

"How is that possible?!" Oliver exclaimed, raising his voice in disbelief.

Hermione quickly pressed her finger against her lips, signaling for Oliver to quiet down. "Shhhhh, they might hear us," she hissed urgently.

"You need to start explaining right now."

Hermione remained silent, her focus still on the conversation unraveling outside the broom closet.

"HERMIONE!" Oliver yelled in frustration, his patience wearing thin.

"Okay, okay, fine," Hermione relented, standing up and facing Oliver.

She grabbed the necklace that was hanging around her neck. "This is a time turner, Oliver. McGonagall gave it to me during first term. It's how I've been managing to attend all my classes this year," she confessed.

Oliver's shock was palpable, causing his voice to quiver as he spoke, "You mean... You mean we've traveled back in time?"

Hermione simply nodded, confirming his suspicions.

"This is not normal, Hermione! Why on earth would McGonagall give a thirteen-year-old girl a time turner in the first place?!" Oliver exclaimed, his concern evident in his tone.

Hermione took a deep breath before answering, "It took a lot of convincing for the Ministry to grant me permission to use it. I had to write numerous letters, ensuring them that I would only utilize the time turner for my studies and nothing else."

Oliver's shock turned into disbelief mixed with frustration. "And now you're breaking your promise to the Ministry?! Do you realize how much trouble we could be in right now?!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with worry for the consequence of their actions.

"Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment," Hermione stated, her eyes darting as she discreetly peeked outside.

Intrigued, Oliver couldn't resist the urge to see for himself. He silently moved closer to Hermione and glanced outside as well.

His eyes widened as he recognized the scene unfolding before them. "It's definitely us," Oliver confirmed, a mix of awe and disbelief coloring his voice. Past Hermione was screaming at Malfoy before punching him in the face.

Hermione couldn't hide her prideful smile as she remembered the satisfying punch.

"Nice punch. That was just as satisfying as it was the first time," Oliver complimented, unable to hide his admiration.

Blushing slightly, Hermione responded, "Thanks."

The past versions of Hermione, Oliver, and Isabella began making their way towards Hagrid's hut, a sense of purpose guiding their steps.

"Come on," Hermione said,  as she swiftly opened the door and darted outside.

Oliver and Hermione followed their past selves, retracing their steps back to Hagrid's hut, their determination unwavering.

"What are we doing, Hermione?"

"Clearly something happened here that he wants us to change," Hermione replied, her gaze scanning the area. Suddenly, her eyes landed on Buckbeak, chained up in Hagrid's yard. "There! Maybe we have to save Buckbeak, but how can we do that?"

An idea sparked in Oliver's mind, a glimmer of possibility shining through the uncertainties. "I think I know how. Follow me," he exclaimed, a newfound determination blazing in his eyes.

With that, they set off, with Oliver leading the way.

They crept up behind some trees that were a few feet behind their past selves.

"I need them to move," Oliver said, mentally preparing himself for the possibility.

Thinking it was their only option, Hermione swiftly grabbed a small rock and hurled it at the back of Oliver's head. The impact caused both past and present Oliver to hold the back of their heads in pain, simultaneously muttering "Ow" in unison.

"Sorry," Hermione whispered as she hid behind the tree, while past Oliver glanced back towards the forest. After a few seconds, their past selves began to move back towards the castle. Oliver could hear past Dumbledore's voice and the sound of the approaching executioner. He turned his gaze towards Hermione, determination etched on his face.

"Okay, we only have about a minute or so. We have to make this fast," he said, urgency evident in his tone. "I'm going to grab the chain. You grab those rodents or whatever the hell he eats over there, and we're going to lure him into the forest."

Hermione gave an approving nod, her eyes focused on the task ahead.

Oliver quickly dove for the chain, startling Buckbeak, who began squawking at him.

"Shh, shhh, it's okay, boy," Oliver said softly, trying his best to calm down the beautiful creature. He wrapped the chain around Buckbeak's neck, ensuring a secure hold.

Hermione extended the dead rodent towards Buckbeak. "Here, boy, would you like some of this?"

Buckbeak got up swiftly, his attention drawn to the meal offered by Hermione. He approached her with eager steps.

"That's it, come on, boy," Hermione said, her voice soothing as she slowly backed up towards the forest.

Without hesitation, Buckbeak followed their lead, stepping cautiously into the safety of the dense trees.

Oliver's heart raced as the sound of the minister's voice grew faint in the distance.

"Where's the Hippogriff?"

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