Hermione's Secret

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"You are all lucky to be alive. I should expel you all for what you've done, but it appears you all must have been bewitched by Black," Oliver heard a voice say as he slowly started regaining consciousness. It sounded like Professor Snape.

Oliver could hear footsteps approaching the door, followed by the sound of it shutting. Snape must have left, leaving a sense of unease in the air.

Oliver slowly sat up, cradling his head in his hands as a pounding headache threatened to overwhelm him.

"Ollie, you're awake," said Hermione, her voice filled with relief as she sat on the edge of his bed, her concern evident in her eyes.

"What... What happened?" Oliver asked, still struggling to focus, his vision blurred and double. "Are Henry and Isabella okay?"

"We're okay," a voice responded from Oliver's left. He turned his gaze and saw Isabella perched on the edge of Henry's bed, a gentle smile gracing her face. Henry lay unconscious beside her, a bandage wrapped around his head.

"He'll be okay. Just needs a few days of rest," Isabella reassured Oliver, offering him a glimmer of hope amidst the lingering worry.

"That was absolutely mental, wasn't it?" came another voice from across the room. Oliver shifted his attention and saw Ron, lying with his injured foot safely encased in a cast.

"What happened?" Oliver asked, his voice filled with genuine confusion and concern as he turned his gaze towards everyone in the room. "All I remember is being by the lake, and then... and then-" His words trailed off as the memory of the horrific events slowly started to resurface.

"The dementors," Hermione said, her voice filled with a mixture of horror and anger as she recalled the terrifying encounter. The mere mention of those dark creatures sent a shudder down Oliver's spine.

"You saved us though, didn't you Ollie?" Isabella's voice was filled with gratitude and admiration, her eyes reflecting the bravery she had witnessed.

Oliver's head hung low, a heavy burden of guilt weighing upon him. "No, it wasn't me," he confessed, his voice filled with shame and regret. "I failed yet again when it mattered most."

Hermione immediately placed her hand on Oliver's shoulder, her touch offering a comforting reassurance. "Stop it, Oliver," she said, her voice firm but gentle. "There were hundreds of dementors surrounding us. Even the most powerful wizards would have struggled to protect us."

Oliver looked up at Hermione, his eyes tinged with self-doubt. "But I should have done something," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"You did what you could, Oliver," Ron chimed in from across the room.

Oliver suddenly remembered the light he had seen across the lake. "There was this light, like some sort of guardian angel or something," he said, his voice filled with awe and wonder.

Everyone looked at him with confused expressions. "Huh?" Ron asked, his brow furrowed.

"I swear there was something on the other side of the lake, protecting us. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe it was Lupin. He's the only one I know who can successfully cast a Patronus," Oliver explained, his voice tinged with hope.

"That's impossible. He was still in his werewolf form at the time," Hermione countered, her voice filled with skepticism.

"But maybe he transformed back into his human form somehow and saw us on the brink of death, so he protected us," Oliver argued, his eyes shining with a newfound belief.

Isabella chimed in, her voice calm and logical, "I don't think that's what happened."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as everyone processed Oliver's theory.

The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Hermione Granger x OCWhere stories live. Discover now