First Day Feast

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"Oliver! Oliver! Are you alright?"

Oliver slowly opened his eyes and saw Hermione's face, her expression filled with pure worry.

"He's waking up," Hermione said with a sigh of relief.

Oliver gingerly sat up. "I... What happened?" he asked, his voice still shaky.

"You passed out," Lupin replied. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a chocolate bar, extending it towards Oliver. "Here. Eat. You'll feel better."

"Thanks," Oliver said gratefully, accepting the chocolate bar and taking a bite. The familiar sweetness started to soothe his nerves. "What was that thing?"

"That was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban. It was searching the train for Sirius Black, but it's gone now," Lupin explained.

Lupin rose from his seat and made his way to the compartment door. "If you'll excuse me, I have to have a word with the driver," he stated before exiting, leaving Oliver and Hermione alone.

"Did you feel the same way?" Oliver asked Hermione.

"Not quite, but I did feel like I'd never be cheerful again," she responded.

"Did anyone else pass out?"

"Harry did, but he woke up before you," Hermione replied.

Oliver let out a sigh of relief. "Good, at least I wasn't the only one. That would have been kind of embarrassing," he chuckled, the tension slowly easing from his body.

Hermione laughed and switched seats to be next to Oliver, her warm presence bringing him comfort. She rested her head on his shoulder.

Finally arriving at Hogwarts, Oliver gathered with his fellow Gryffindors in the Great Hall for the first-day feast. Excitement filled the air as students chatted and eagerly awaited the scrumptious meal. Just as everyone's anticipation grew, Dumbledore stepped onto the stage at the front and tapped his wand to capture everyone's attention.

"Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts," Dumbledore addressed the eager crowd. "Before we indulge in this amazing feast, I'd like to say a few words. First off, everyone, please welcome Professor Lupin, who has kindly volunteered to fill in as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year."

Lupin gracefully rose from his seat and took a bow, the applause of the students filling the hall.

"Makes sense," Hermione whispered to Oliver. "That's why he gave you the chocolate, Ollie. Lupin knows more than he lets on."

"Montclair," said a voice from behind Oliver.

He turned around and was disgusted by what he saw: Draco Malfoy, his sneering face filled with malicious delight.

"Is it true that you fainted? You actually fainted?" Malfoy mocked.

"Shove off, Malfoy," Hermione snapped, as she gently guided Oliver back towards their table.

"How did he find out?" Oliver asked, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Just forget about him," Hermione reassured.

"Finally, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban. They will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds until Sirius Black is captured. While I have been assured that they pose no immediate threat to you children, I must still give you a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures, so give them no reason to harm you. That is all; now, let's feast!"

"Better watch your back, Montclair. Don't want to see you faint again," Malfoy mocked once more.

Without saying a word, Oliver abruptly stood up and stormed away, ignoring Malfoy and the laughter of his fellow Slytherins. Hermione swiftly smacked Malfoy over the head with a heavy book before chasing after Oliver, her footsteps echoing with purpose. She wouldn't allow Malfoy's cruel taunts to ruin their day or dampen Oliver's spirits.

Oliver leaned against a wall just outside the Great Hall, breathing heavily as he tried to calm down.

"Are you alright, Oliver?" Hermione asked.

"No, I'm not. That thing almost killed me on the train, and now there are going to be multiple of them around the school?!" Oliver exclaimed, his voice filled with fear and frustration.

"Dumbledore is here; I'm sure he wouldn't let them harm you," Hermione reassured, her voice gentle yet resolute.

But Oliver ignored her, his emotions overwhelming him as he began to rant. "Seriously, my sister and brother are here. What if those things attack them? What if those things attack you? I... I don't want anyone to experience what I went through. It must have been the scariest thing I've ever experienced." Oliver's voice cracked, tears welling up in his eyes.

Without hesitation, Hermione wrapped her arms tightly around Oliver in a loving embrace, holding him close. "It'll be okay. I promise no one will get attacked," she whispered.

After a few minutes, Hermione gently let go and planted a tender kiss on Oliver's cheek. "Now come on, we have to go to our common room," she said.

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