Chapter 26

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Magnate Frederick's office was a triangular room with glass walls and a high, pointed ceiling at the apex of the pyramid at Foxfire. Morning sunlight streamed through the clear windows. Posters showing diagrams of airplanes lined the walls. Model airplanes were arranged on his desk, and there was a framed picture on his desk, turned away so Percy couldn't see what it was.

Confessing what he'd done was harder than he'd expected. He'd told Sally and Poseidon before he left for school. They'd just nodded, forgave him, and hoped he didn't get in too much trouble.

Kym glared at him. Disappointment was etched on every corner of Athena's face. Magnate Frederick seemed to be alternately glancing at Athena and then back to Percy, his frown deepening with every second.

"What do you think, Magnate Frederick?" Athena asked when Percy finished. her voice was neutral.

"He violated the ethical regulations of Foxfire's midterms," Magnate Frederick pointed out.

"He did indeed," Kym agreed. She gave Athena a measured glance. "Let me guess. You want him exiled."

"No one is suggesting anything of the sort," Athena protested.

"Right," Kym grumbled. "Because it would be absurd to exile Percy. But an innocent seventeen-year-old with a family to care for-"

"I will not have this argument again, Kymopoleia. It was the Council's ruling. I had no choice but to obey."

"There's always a choice," Kym insisted.

Percy knew they were talking about Bianca. He knew he should be curious, but he couldn't find it in himself.

"Calm down," Magnate Frederick ordered. "What do you think the punishment should be?" He directed the question to Athena.

"Yeah, leave it up to her," Kym muttered.

"She's the one reporting on him to the Council," Magnate Frederick argued.

Great. Athena was reporting on him too. 

"Yeah, everyone knows she's good at that," Kym muttered under her breath.

Athena sighed dramatically.

"Don't forget your place, Lady Kymopleia," Magnate Frederick said. "As long as you're a mentor here, you'll respect my authority. And I'd like to know what Athena advises. She's a former Councillor. She has more experience with crime and punishment."

"And the fact that she's your wife," Kym added.

"Ex-wife," Athena corrected. 

"We never made the ex official," Magnate Frederick argued. "Unless you did without me knowing it. But I thought we agreed not to deal with the drama."

"Ex-wife?" Percy interrupted.

"Annabeth chose to keep her father's last name," Athena said icily. Percy looked back at Magnate Frederick's desk and caught sight of his nameplate. Magnate Frederick Chase.


Magnate Frederick cleared his throat. "All of that is neither here nor there."

"Isn't it?" Kym asked. "This whole process is pointless. Percy won a pardon from the splotching match. Can't he hand that over and consider it punishment served?"

"And allow him to believe that cheating is tolerated?" Magnate Frederick argued.

"But he didn't actually cheat," Kym pointed out.

"And that fact that we're here at all tells us he regrets it. He didn't have to confess," Athena pointed out.

Kym stared at her.

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