Chapter 4

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"Hey, it's not your fault," Annabeth said. "You believed what they taught you. I'm sure I would have done the same thing. But now it's time you knew the truth. This is how the world really works. It's just how it is."

The castle bells chimed, and she yanked Percy behind a large rock as a gateway opened. Two elves with floor-length velvet capes draped over their black tunics emerged, followed by dozens of bizarre creatures marching in military formation down the rocky path. They were at least seven feet tall and wore only black pants, leaving their thick muscles prominently on display, and they wore animal-shaped masks.

"Goblins," Annabeth whispered. "Probably the most dangerous creatures you'll ever meet, which is why it's a good thing they signed the treaty."

"Then why are we hiding?" he whispered back.

"We're dressed like humans. Humans are forbidden in the Lost Cities, especially here in Lumenaria. Lumenaria is where all the other worlds come together. Gnomes, dwarves, ogres, goblins, and trolls."

Percy didn't feel like sorting through everything she'd mentioned, so he focused on the main question. "Why are humans forbidden?"

She motioned for him to follow her to a rock farther away. "They betrayed us. The Ancient Councillors offered them the same treaty they made with all the intelligent creatures, and they agreed. Then they decided they wanted to rule the world - like it even works that way - and started planning a war. The Ancients didn't want violence, so they disappeared, forbade any contact with humans, and left them to their own devices. Yeah, that didn't work so well."

Percy opened his mouth to defend his race, and then realized Annabeth's points. War, crime, famine, humans had problems.

Plus, if he really was an elf...

"The stories about us eventually morphed into the myths you know," Annabeth said. "But this is the truth. This is where you belong."

Where you belong.

Three simple words that seemed so impossible...and yet so right.

Percy studied the glowing castle - a place that shouldn't exist, but did. Everything Annabeth was saying seemed insane, but he knew she was right. He could feel it.

"Ok," he said. "I believe you."

Annabeth smiled, and for once it seemed genuine. "Thank you, Percy." She pulled out a different pathfinder, one with a cobalt blue crystal, and held it up to the light. "Ready to go home?"


The world jolted him back to reality. Mr Sweeny would call his mom when he didn't get on the bus. He needed to get home before his parents freaked.

His heart sank a little.

Reality seemed kind of boring. Still, he took her hand and stole one last glance at the castle before the light swept him away.

The smoky ash stung Percy's lungs after the crisp, fresh air of Lumenaria. He looked around, surprised that he recognized the plain apartment building on the narrow, tree-lined street. They were right outside where he lived. He decided not to ask Annabeth how she knew that.

Annabeth coughed and glared at the sky. "You'd think that they could handle putting out a few fires before the smoke pollutes the planet."

"They're working on it," he said. "Plus, these aren't normal fires. The arsonist used some chemical when they started them, so they're burning white, and smell sweet."

Usually fires smelled like barbecue. This time it was more like melted caramel, which would be nice if it didn't burn his eyes and rain ash.

"Arsonists," Annabeth grumbled. "Why would anyone want to watch the world burn?"

"No idea," Percy said.

Annabeth pulled a pathfinder out of her pocket.

"Are you leaving already?" Percy asked, surprised.

"I have to find out what my mom wants to do now - if she even knows. Neither of us thought you were going to be the boy."

The boy. Like he was someone important.

"She won't be happy that I took you to our cities," Annabeth continued. "So please, whatever you do, don't tell anyone about anything I've shown you today."

"I won't," he said. "Promise," he added when she raised a skeptical eyebrow.

She grudgingly nodded. "Thank you. Act normal so your family doesn't suspect anything."

He nodded but had one more question to ask. "Can you really read my mind?"

Annabeth shrugged. "I told you, I'm a Telepath." She frowned. "I still can't believe that you're a Hydrokinetic."

"Why are you surprised?"

"It's a special ability," she said. "All elves have one. Well, not all elves, but most of us. There are lodes. I'm a Telepath. I'm also a Polyglot, which means I speak all languages instinctively." Pride crept into her voice. "The elemental abilities - Hydrokinetics, Gusters, Shades, Flashers, Pyrokinetics - are super rare. And you're only twelve, right?"

"I'll be thirteen in six months."

"That's really young. They said that I was the youngest to manifest as a Telepath, and I didn't start reading minds until I was thirteen."

He frowned. "But...I've been controlling water since I was five."

"Five?" She said it so loud it reverberated off the buildings. She scanned the street worriedly. Percy wasn't so concerned. They were in New York. He could go prancing down the street dressed in nothing but underwear loudly singing Taylor Swift songs and no one would bat an eye.

"Are you sure?" Annabeth whispered.


Waking up in the hospital after he hit his head wasn't something he could really forget.

"Is that wrong?" he asked, not liking her frown.

"I don't know." Her eyes narrowed, like she was trying to see inside his mind.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you blocking me?" she asked, completely ignoring his question.

"I don't even know what that is." He stepped away, as if the extra space could stop her from reading his thoughts.

"It's a way to keep Telepaths out. Kind of like putting a wall around your mind."

"Huh," Percy said. "You really can't read my mind?"

She shook her head. "Not even when I try my hardest."

Percy was inwardly relieved. He didn't want anyone poking around in his mind. "Why?"

"I have no idea. But when you pair it with your eyes, and where you live-" She stopped, like she was afraid she'd said too much, then fumbled with the crystal on her pathfinder. "I'll have to ask my mom."

"Wait," Percy interrupted. "You can't leave me hanging like this!"

"I've got to get home. I've been gone too long. You need to go home too."

She was right, but he still didn't really want her to go. She was his link to the amazing world he'd seen - the only proof that he hadn't imagined the whole thing.

"I'll be back tomorrow," she promised.

"How will I find you?"

She smirked. "Don't worry. I'll find you."

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