Are These The Lunar Lullabies Lies?

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'Most of it is...BEN's fault?' you echoed faintly. 'I don't get it. He's been nothing but good to me. He's supported me through all of this, and you're saying that he caused it all?'

'Not all. Most. And yes. I see my brother was correct; you see the glass as half full when it comes to judging a person.'

She was wrong. Your viewpoint on the glass being half full or half empty was fickle—it changed if someone's tone sounded wrong when they spoke to you. You couldn't help but see only the negatives if someone seemed to threaten the peaceful life you had created with Frankie. You also couldn't help but only see the negatives if someone seemed to threaten your friendships. It had happened with James, and now history was repeating itself.

'You're wrong,' you said. 'You have to be wrong. There's no way that BEN would ruin shit.'

For the first time, there was a clear emotion behind her words. 'I understand that you do not wish to view him in a...bad light, but you must understand that you do not know everything.' Pity. She's pitying me.

'Of course I don't understand, cause no one fucking tells me anything!' You didn't mean to raise your voice at her; you truly didn't, but you couldn't help it. Understanding that you didn't know everything was something you had come to terms with long ago. You didn't need to be reminded.

'What do you know? You must know something...right?'

In broken and jumpy sentences that mirrored your broken and jumpy trains of thought, you told Iskra about all the times you and BEN had brainstormed about who was responsible for James' death. You told her about the report that Željko had written, and what had been said a few weeks prior when both Mik and Željko had visited: the confirmation that the murderer was someone else.

Once you had finished speaking, neither of you moved or spoke for a short while. Then, Iskra gently placed her shark plush to the side, getting to her feet and walking across the floor with barely audible footsteps. She opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out a notebook, offering it to you with a silent plea.

When you took it, immediately flipping it open to the first page, you discovered that it was a diary. Specifically, Mik's diary.

'Read it,' Iskra said. 'You said that no one tells you anything, which is true, so I am giving you something that will tell you more than I ever could.'

'Why do you have Mik's diary?'

'They left it lying around.'

'That didn't—' Hang on. This...this isn't a diary. Your eyebrows furrowed as you took in each word written on the page in front of you, a pit slowly expanding in your torso, leaving you feeling hollow.

'An informal confession of the crimes committed by Mik Garcia, Željko Kovacevic, and BEN (Ben Lawman).

help me i have no idea how to format this nggghhhhhhh

We started to interfere in the living world about a year ago after BEN fell in love with a human. At the time, the things we did were small and didn't require the use of our abilities: finding out where they (the human) lived, their past, any social media accounts—that kind of thing. We (Željko and I) only agreed to help because we felt that BEN deserved a chance with this person. BEN didn't ask to be sacrificed like me and Željko did. Plus, he's eighteen. He's still a kid. It's not fair to put a kid in a leadership position and forbid him to interact with other people. He's not like Željko, who couldn't care less if he never spoke to anyone ever again, or me, who's job is to talk to people...BEN needs company, and we wanted to be the supportive older adoptive siblings that we are. (Do we even count as siblings? I know that BEN and Željko are only two years apart, but I'm....I don't know how old I am. Whatever.)

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