Stomach Holes Burning

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'Hey, Iskra?'


'There's no door's just a wall.'

'No. There's a door.' The girl kept on walking, and you grew increasingly concerned that she was going to plough straight into the wall and hurt herself. 'It's just hidden from you.'

Hidden from me? 'Why?'

'As an emergency safety measure,' Iskra said, reaching out and grabbing what you assumed was an invisible door handle. 'If you somehow entered his realm, then this room would serve as a...cage. Of sorts. It would keep you safe until he arrived to take you back.' The section of wall in front of you vanished as the invisible door swung open. 'Come on.'

You had no choice but to follow her, and the door shut swiftly behind you with a soft 'click', locking you in what might be the most comfortable room you had ever been in.

It was quite obviously Iskra's bedroom, but its warm simplicity was something you had never experienced. The plushies that lined her bed were well-loved and taken care of, and her bed was neatly made with the care of someone who hadn't just rolled out of it after crying themself to sleep the night before. The bedside table was devoid of dust, as were the picture frame and lamp. Her desk was the only messy thing in the room, as sheets of music, pens, and pencils were strewn all over it.

'Sit down,' Iskra said, pointing to the sofa while she sat on the bed. 'It's more comfortable than that old chair.'

She was right. 'Why did you want to meet me?' you asked, getting straight to the point. 'We have nothing in common—were you just curious?'

'Kind of. I wanted to know who had finally let BEN feel something.'

'What do you mean?'

Iskra pulled one of her plushies, a shark that was easily a metre long, into her lap before she began to speak. 'Exactly what I said. He hasn't felt anything other than anger since he died. He wanted revenge, but he couldn't carry out his plans, so he indulged in mindless debauchery to distract himself. It's quite pitiful.'

'Revenge against this 'Father' guy?' you said. 'The guy that threw him in the pool?'

'Yes.' Iskra's grip on the shark plushie's fin tightened at the word 'father'. 'Things are not what that YouTube channel claims they are. Father has been missing since BEN got sacrificed, which is why BEN could not carry out his plans and why we have a different boss.'

'And not being able to get revenge made him angry...' Leaning back against the soft cushion, you wanted nothing more than to give BEN a hug and tell him that everything was okay, even if it wasn't. 'How drastically did he change when he met me?' You weren't taking credit for his change in behaviour, but you couldn't help but be curious and silence the part of you that had scoffed and said, 'Me? Be the reason why someone changed like that? Ha! Yeah right.'

'Incredibly. He started to take a personal interest in leading the cult, and not like someone who was only in charge because someone else had said so. He also smiled again and acted differently. I assume it was because of his new motivation.' Iskra's gaze was so intense that it could have been used as a substitute for the sun when lighting a fire using glass. 'What did you do?'

Your eyebrows furrowed, and you asked, 'Meaning...?'

'What did you do to make BEN so happy?'

'Nothing, really,' you said. 'All I did was treat him like a friend—like he was wanted. Which was true! I never pretended to like him, cause I really do. Maybe that's all he wanted.'

Deep Like Water (Yandere!BEN Drowned X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now