The Plan Was Not As Good As We Thought (Whoops)

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You spent the majority of the next day in your room, unable to move after a nightmare had paralysed you from fear. It had nothing to do with what had happened the day before, yet it was enough to wake you up in the early hours of the morning with a sharp sob, clutching at the quilt.

BEN checked up on you in the morning, bringing you something to drink and setting up the TV that sat on the dresser opposite the bed. The moment he had entered the room, you felt a part of the fear ebb away and be replaced by an overwhelming sense of repose as BEN immediately began fussing around, making sure that you were okay.

'I can stay with you for a bit if you want some company,' he said, a huge mess of tangled wires sitting in his lap, 'but I'll have to leave you for a bit later.'


'Mik and Željko said that they have something important to tell me, and I have to ask them a few questions. But once they've gone, you've got me all to yourself. We can even play that farming game on co-op if you want?'

'That sounds good. Do you mind if I stay up here while you talk to Mik and Željko? I don't really feel like talking to people today...'

BEN nodded, quietly cursing as the yet another knot of wires revealed itself. 'Sure,' he said. 'You don't have to ask. Oh for—if anyone asks, you didn't see me do this.'

You didn't have time to respond before BEN got to his feet and threw the wires in the air. They fell and, shockingly, hovered in the air in front of BEN's face, unraveling in mid-air until all of the individual wires were stretched out vertically like a curtain of black, white, and grey wires, the plugs all at one end.

'There we go.' BEN grabbed the wire he wanted, and all the others curled themselves up and softly fell back onto the floor. 'Don't know why I didn't do that to start with.' He glanced over at you and asked, 'What?'

'Why didn't you tell me that you could do that?' you demanded. 'That would have made it so much easier to untangle your headphones from mine!'

He shrugged, turning his back on you with a smug grin on his face as he went back to setting up the TV. 'Why, are you jealous that I've got all these cool tricks up my sleeve?'

'No, I just wish you'd use them to be useful.'

'I am being useful!'

You were too tired to think of a proper comeback, so you stuck your tongue out and pulled the quilt over your head. He was right, because he was being useful, and to say that he wasn't would be rude. As your parents frequently used to tell you: 'If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.' (At this point, though, you were pretty sure that you had broken that rule more than once. Didn't you call BEN a self-centred arsehole at one point?)

'Aww, are you hiding from me?'


'Liar. You're really cute sometimes, you know? Actually, you're cute all the time.'

That makes me happy. '...Go away.'


The only time BEN left your side was when he had to speak with Mik and Željko. He wasn't thrilled about leaving you on your own, but it was something that had to be done. If he had to pick between boring meetings or decorating a farm with you, he would pick the farm every single time. (After all, someone had to know all the hacks and glitches to make the game as fun as possible. Things like the green wallpaper glitch made it so easy to complete the hidden bundle, and he bet that you would be impressed by his knowledge on a game that he couldn't even remember the title of.)

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