Twenty Six | Trust Issues

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Devika :

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Devika :

I asked the question without even thinking.
He looked at me, slightly taken aback.

"Oh.. I-I am so sorry.. I don't know what—"

He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards himself.
I almost bumped onto him.

I felt my face go warm, my stomach almost did a somersault.
He looked at me with an amused smile.

"What if I said yes?", He asked softly.

My wildly pacing heart skipped a beat.

Please don't let this be a dream. This is so out of his character but.. I guiltily like it!

"You-you..", I stammered, like a bewildered idiot.
He looked straight into my eyes.
I noticed the twinkle of mischief in his eyes, the subtle smile on his lips. He looked so handsome, and he stood so close, and all I could do is stare at him barely breathing.

And then abruptly his eyes darkened.
He immediately edged away, looking down awkwardly.

"I apologise.. I crossed a line.", He whispered.

What?! No! I was enjoying! Duhhh.

"No.. I mean..", I mumbled still feeling giddy about what just happened.
He did not say anything, he simply looking down, exhaled sharply as if disappointed with himself and walked out.

"I liked it..", I whispered to myself in the empty room.

Aviram Raghuvanshi was behaving out of character.
But so was I.
How could I like getting pulled close to him just like that?
Why am I enjoying his presence?

The answer I knew.
But I refused to acknowledge.

Aviram :

I sat back into my study.
After what seemed eons.
I had changed into a royal blue suit over a white shirt. I had tickets booked and I needed to leave for work.

But my thoughts were wandering far away from the business and the mess that Vinay had created.

What on earth is wrong with me?! She asked and I pulled her that close?!

"Why are you afraid, Your Highness?", I heard as a bunch of files were placed on the round table before me.
I looked up at Santosh.
He looked sombre.

"Please tell me you didn't hear me being a hormonal teenager flirting.", I said exasperated with myself.

"Why are you afraid of acknowledging that the woman does something enchanting to you?", Santosh asked taking the seat before me.
"You were enchanted the moment you saw her in the temple. You can keep giving dramatic reasons but I know.. it was love at first sight—"

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