Madness Part II

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Wanda's POV

6:35 PM
I blinked and looked at the young teenage girl standing in front of me.

"I know, it's kind of a stupid name. I bet you've never met anyone else named March. It's like the month, except for I was born in December...I don't know what my parents were thinking. Anyways, I can assume you are Wanda Maximoff."

"Yes," I said, standing up, "That's know my brother, then?"

"I paid him a visit last night. The poor guy is bound down so much, he looks like...I don't know what he looks like, actually. I lost my trait of thought. Anyways, he misses you a lot, and I can tell you're missing him, too. I could, you know, arrange for you to see him again." She blushed. "I mean, everyone here is pretty busy these days. Burying the dead specimens, tending to every last request Strucker makes, studying the scepter, tracking the Avengers, and now the Soldier has come here! They seem very strict around him, I don't know what he is like, but if they tell him to kill someone he obliges, so..." She sighed and looked at me. "He is sort of cute though." I raised my eyebrows.

"Who, exactly?"

"Uh, um, the Soldier," she said quickly, blushing, "The Soldier. Yeah, I know it's stupid, because he's older than I am..." She sighed again. "Please don't tell anyone I told you that." I giggled and nodded.

"I don't have a lot of people to tell anyways," I said.

"Oh yeah, back on the subject...everyone's real busy here right now. Maybe I can arrange for you and Pietro to see each other, while they're distracted."

"You would do that?" I asked, flattered.

"Of course! It isn't fair they keep you and your twin apart from each other. I don't know what it's like, but if I were you I'd want to see Pietro ASAP." I giggled, realizing the Solider thing was a cover-up for having a little crush on my brother.

"I'm sure you would," I said, hoping she understood he was at least five years older than her. "Listen, I am honored you are willing to help...but if you're going to get in trouble, it is not worth it. I will find another way to see my brother if you would have been hurt helping-"

"Oh, who cares? I've been here long enough to know a lot about people. I've seen person after person come in to help HYDRA for whatever reason, some knew what they were signing up for, others not so much. On a rare occasion-more than you'd think, but not very often-a family will come in hoping they could find a better life with HYDRA. Though I never knew much of my own family, I've seen enough families to know a bond when I see one. You and Pietro have the strongest bond I've ever seen in a pair of people...Do you believe it is possible to have the same spirit as another living person?" I took in the question and thought about it.

"Nobody would believe that," I said simply, to myself more than to March. "Nobody in their right mind."

"Ah," she said, "I see. Okay. Well, I'm off to get you to your brother. When you see Pietro-and you will see him-tell him March von Prime says hello."

"Will do," I said, smiling. It was nice to have a friend, whether she was odd or not, and even though she was a lot younger than me.


10:56 PM
"Wanda," an familiar female voice said, and I looked up to see a tall man with shaggy dark hair standing beside none other than March herself. "Wanda, I'd like you to meet the Winter Soldier. He is new to Sokovia," March told me. I got up. "We're here to take you to your brother. Well, I am. He's here to make sure you don't leave the cells." I looked at him a little bit with pity.

"Really? They do not trust us?" I asked, disappointed, and he shook his head. "Don't you speak?"

"Yes," he said.

"Well, why didn't you speak?"

"I only speak when addressed," he said, "by orders."

"Well, I order you to speak freely, at least around me," I said cooly, and he looked at me with surprise, but March shrugged it off.

"Let's go, before they change their minds about reuniting you two," she said, taking my hand to drag me along out of the cell and through the halls. "He's in here," March said, "And he will be so glad to see you!"

"What, uh, should I expect to see? Anything different?" I asked sort of awkwardly, not sure how to phrase it.

"Well, he's all tied down and his hair is turning white. And he's reeeeeaaaally muscular now. Like, damn." I laughed a little. Yeah, she definitely has a crush on him. The Winter Soldier opened the door and Pietro and I made eye contact for the first time in a long time.

A/N: I've put times into the story because next chapter is the same part of the story but in Pietro's POV.

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