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After everyone was let off the boats on a mainland, Hill picked all of us up in a Quinjet. Pietro was laying in Wanda's arms, the two of them fast asleep on the ground.

"Okay, first stop, where am I taking you?" Hill asked.

"You are taking them to Avengers Tower," I said, "And leaving Pietro, Wanda and I here."


"I'm taking them somewhere off the radar of everyone. They need to be safe right now, we all do. They don't have anywhere to go, so I'll give them a place." Steve looked at me.

"May I come with?" He asked, "I'd rather know where they're going than not. They're part of the team now, and being leader of the team-"

"Sure, Cap," I said, "But only because you're you. Nobody else is tagging along."

"Okay, Avengers Tower," Hill said, and the Quinjet pulled into the garage of the building. Everyone except me, the twins, and Steve left.

"Take care," Tony said, and I took the wheel.

"So, we going to the farm?" Steve asked.

"Where else?"

"Laura going to be okay with you bringing them home?"

"Of course...Steve, I don't think this is going to be a temporary thing. These two are only kids, just 21-year-old kids who literally have no place in the world. Not anymore. And Pietro just saved my life back there. I owe them this much."

"I really appreciate it," Wanda whispered, her eyes still closed. "You don't owe us anything, but thank you, Mr Barton."

"Clint," I corrected.

"Clint," she said, smiling a little, her fingers entangling in an out-cold Pietro's white hair. "So...what's this I hear about a farm? Who's Laura?"

"You're about to find out," I said. "How's your brother doing?"

"Sleeping heavily, not even dreaming. He is so tired, poor thing." Steve knelt down next to the twins and felt his pulse.

"Wow, his heart sure beats fast," he said, smiling. "At least we know it works." She pouted at him. "Let me rephrase that. I didn't mean it like that, I know it works...I meant, like, at least we know he's okay."

"Do not ever suggest my brother has no emotions," she said in barely a whisper, looking like she might burst into tears just for that comment. "Just because he isn't an American idol doesn't mean you have the right to think he is any less heroic-" mentally, I laughed that she referred to Cap as 'an American Idol' without realizing it.

"Wanda, please. I didn't mean it like that. Please don't be angry with me," Steve said gently. He reached to place a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it away.

"Okay, guys, we're on the farm," I said, landing the Quinjet. "Steve, I'm going to go to Laura. You take the twins in, okay? Carry him gently as possible, he's hurt enough already. And you, Wanda, get along with Steve, please. This will be hectic enough without the two of you bickering." She nodded, and I got up and ran to my front door, opening it. I stood facing my beautiful wife in the kitchen.

"...Clint..." She whispered, running to hug me.

"Hi, Honey," I said, kissing her.

"I'm so glad you're okay, the news was just on, some people from Sokovia were being interviewed. One woman said you saved her son. You and that man...she said he got shot saving you." I nodded. "Is he alright?"

"...Hon, I'm sorry, Laura...I brought them home. Steve, too." She nodded and smiled.

"I wouldn't expect any less," she said.

"You're okay with them staying, then? Just for a little while?"

"Of course!" She said, "but don't mind if I ask, who is 'we?'" Steve came in carrying Pietro, Wanda following close behind. "...oh. My goodness...here, let's take him to the guest bedroom. I'll show you the way..."

"Laura, this is Wanda, and this is Pietro," I said. Steve gently lay Pietro down on the guest bed and Laura brought in a couple of extra pillows and blankets for him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Laura, Clint's wife," she said, and she actually hugged Wanda, seeing how worried she was. "Don't worry, we're going to take good care of him."

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here," she said, unfolding a blanket and laying it over her brother.

"How could we not? I heard Pietro here saved Clint," Laura said, looking at his sleeping face. "Besides, I like meeting all of you Avengers...mind if I ask, how old are you? You seem pretty young..."

"Twenty-one," Wanda said, "Pietro and I both. We're twins."

"Are you from Sokovia?" Laura asked, and she nodded.

"All our lives, we lived there." Laura's face turned very serious.

"I-I'm sorry," she said, sorry she asked. She and I both knew there was no more Sokovia.

"It's not your fault," Wanda muttered, sitting down on her brother's bedside. She twirled her fingers and her eyes turned red, magic circling him.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"Reading his mind," she told us, and bit her lip. "Unfortunately, there still is not much to read. We need to get help."

"Who can I call?" Laura asked.

"Call Tony, and tell him to send a doctor or nurse or something that specializes in Enhanced people," I said, and I kissed Laura's forehead and muttered "Thank you" before she ran off and called Tony. "Okay, let's see how bad this is." I rolled up his shirt to reveal a wound so deep I almost vomited. "Oh, God. How the hell is he alive?"

"He's Enhanced," Wanda said, "He heals very quickly. But that doesn't mean this will heal on its own..." He winced and his eyes fluttered open.

"Agh-my side-"

"Sh, quiet, kid. Just relax." I sat next to Wanda on his bedside. "Help is on the way, okay?"

"Where are we?"

"This is my home," I told him, "And at least for now, it's yours, too. Don't worry. Go back to sleep..." Wanda gently sent a floating wisp of magic into his head again, and smiled at him.

"Clint, Tony's on his way with a team of doctors-oh, hello," Laura said, coming back into the guest room. "Hi, Pietro. I'm Laura."


"Clint, the kids are in the kitchen waiting for you to come say hi. They would have run in here, but I told them wait..." I laughed.

"Thanks. I'll go say hi." I got up, messed up Pietro's hair a little, and left to see my own children.

You Didn't See That Coming? ~Hawksilver~ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now