Chapter 2:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Bright slowly opened his eyes, he looked up and saw a ceiling that was not familiar to him. The walls were colored light green with fancy painting hung on it. He turned around and saw a sleeping person's back to him. His eyes widen as he looked on, he looked down and saw a scar on the person's lower back. He shook his head and decided to moved but it felt like electricity shot up his body and the pain radiated to his back and especially his ass.

'Fuck! No!I didn't! Did I just bottom for this guy?Damn it!'he cursed himself as he bit his lip trying not to make a sound despite all the pain he was feeling.

He gathered his clothes, left some money at the table to cover some of the hotel bill. He got his phone, wallet and slowly made his way out of the hotel. He hailed a taxi and went home.
A few minutes after Bright had left, Gawin stretched his body and woke up to an empty bed.
He was pretty used to it, meeting drunk people and sleeping with them if he really wanted to.  He turned to the side table and saw money that the person he had slept with had left.He chuckled. He remembers bits and pieces of what happened last night, he couldn't remember what the guy looked like. All he could remember was the guys had a mole on his neck and chest and a distinct smell of citrus.

'Kinda reminded me of that rude guy at the gym. Haha. But they can't be the same person, right? Gawin, don't be stupid. Well I better get ready, I need to practice my lines for the audition tomorrow'Gawin thought to himself as he got into the shower.

After getting dressed, he was about to leave when his phone rang. It was his older sister Ploy, he sighed as he knew he was once again gonna be scolded.

"Yes, my dear sister?"he answered sweetly.

"Don't you dear sister me, you troublesome brother you! I can't believe you dare take another one of your boy toys and checked in to our hotel again! I heard the staff talking, I am making sure they keep their mouth's shut before Mae and Por hears of it. Please take them anywhere but there next time!"his sister yelled.

"I know, it won't happen again"Gawin said, his sister sighed.

"I know you don't want to take over this hotel, but please don't do anything reckless. I know that you don't get along with our parents but please at least respect the business that they have brought up"his sister pleaded.

"I know, stop nagging. Rubbing it in my face that you're their favorite child"Gawin sulked.

"Oh, stop it. Mae and Por love you too, but you are just too stubborn to see it. They are tough on you because they want to make sure that you are living the life you wanted. They didn't agree with you dropping out of school when you are almost graduating then deciding to be an actor after that. But they are letting you figure it out on your own, the least you can do is not cause too much trouble for them"his sister said.

"Yeah, yeah! I won't, happy?"Gawin replied.

"Very much so. Are you busy later?"his sister asked.

"Maybe. I need to look over the lines, I have an audition tomorrow"Gawin answered.

"Is that so?Okay, well good luck with the audition. I hope you will get it and rub it in our parent's faces that you can do it. Haha!"Ploy said.

"Au. Aren't you supposed to be on their side?"Gawin asked.

"I'm on no one's side. I just want you to do well, so that our parents can breath easy knowing they were right to let you do what you want without any regrets"Ploy said.

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