Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (Chapter 18)

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The bustling corridors of Voyager, once filled with life and activity, now seemed muted and sombre. News of Aki's situation had swept through the ship like a chilling breeze, casting a heavy sense of profound concern that weighed on the hearts of the crew.

B'Elanna and the other away team members appeared to be completely unharmed by the spore release incident, their biology seemingly shielded against its effects. Aki however, had not been so fortunate. His body's reaction to the toxic assault was immediate and severe.

A pervasive sense of sorrow and tension hung over Voyager like a storm cloud, its gloomy shadow etched onto the faces of even the most stoic of crew members.

In sickbay, the usually empty room was now populated with anxious whispers and hushed conversations.

On one of the biobeds lay the beloved cat-boy, pale and unmoving. The steady hum of medical monitoring equipment nearby showed the sobering display of his fragile state.

Around him, several of the crew had gathered, their faces etched with grave concern.
Chakotay stood near the foot of the bed, his brow furrowed as he exchanged worried glances with B'Elanna.

Kathryn stood at the head of the bio bed, her presence a blend of resolve and vulnerability. With the need for answers, her gaze turned toward the doctor, her expression an unmistakable look of deep concern.

The holographic doctor's expression became more somber as he scrutinised the diagnostic scans. Looking toward the captain, he anxiously voiced to her his findings. "These spores are incredibly veracious, like nothing I've ever seen before. Their effects have spread rapidly. His vital signs are weak and currently still deteriorating. I've already tried every known protocol at this point, but nothing is having the slightest effect." The doctor paused for a moment, knowing his next words were going to be hard to deliver.
"Rest assured, I will continue to do everything within my ability to find a cure, but you should know, captain, time is not on our side. As a doctor I have to be objective in my resolve, but I also have to be realistic. I'm afraid there is no sugarcoating this, with regret I feel I have no choice but to inform you, that I believe the likelihood of Aki surviving is... slim, at best."
The doctor glanced around the room at the desperately saddened eyes all looking toward him. "Short of a miracle happening..." he gave a long pause, really not wanting to speak the next words, "you should prepare yourselves for the worst."

The weight of the doctor's words settled heavily on the room, adding to the profound sadness that had already been suffocating the air, exasperating an almost indescribable ache that was now reverberating through the hearts of those gathered.

Tom was leant against the wall nearby, his eyes fixed on Aki's still form. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "This can't be happening." He whispered, tears welling in his eyes.

B'Elanna immediately went to him, and they embraced. "The doctor won't give up, Tom," she spoke, her words were a soft whisper, trying desperately to offer him a thread of hope, "and we won't either."
It was all she could manage before a profound sadness overwhelmed her. Tom held her more tightly as their shared grief took hold.

Janeway remained stood silently at Aki's head looking down at his cute young face.  Feeling a maternal instinct, she reached out and tenderly cradled both his silky soft fur ears in her hands, and began to caress them gently, as if offering him reassurance. Chakotay could see her eyes were reddening, welling up, and she was struggling to hold back her own tears.

He moved to her, stepping close, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Aki's spirit and the bonds we all share with him will be his strength." He spoke softly, trying to offer a whisper of hope, "While he's still with us, hope remains."

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