Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (Chapter 14)

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The next day, during morning briefing, Chakotay mentioned a number of crew, including Tom, B'Elanna and Harry, had reported finding small dead animals, shrew or mouse-like creatures, placed directly outside the doors of their quarters, likely put there overnight.

Tuvok expressed concern on hearing Chakotay's words.
"This mysterious behaviour might be cause for concern," he suggested.
The captain asked him to elaborate.
"Someone intentionally placing dead animals at the doors of crew members, could be interpreted as a threat. Numerous cultures I am aware of, deposit dead animals in a similar way, informing specific individuals they have been targeted for assassination."

"Mr Tuvok, your intimate knowledge of planetary criminal culture never fails to impress me," declared the captain, "but I don't think we need to start worrying about assassins for the time being. Let me propose perhaps a more plausible explanation."

She asked Chakotay to name the crew quarters the dead creatures had been found outside.
He listed off several including Harry's, Tom & B'Elanna's, and the three ensigns who had got in trouble the previous day.

Janeway nodded her head, it was exactly what she was expecting to hear.
She grinned very slightly, "you know today, I was planning to order our three prankster ensigns to clean the warp plasma manifolds as punishment for their poor conduct yesterday, but now, I've had a change of heart."
Tuvok looked at her with a perplexed expression, "May I ask, captain, what has prompted you to change your mind?"
"Those dead creatures, Tuvok, they were not intended as a threat, they were quite the opposite; a gift.  But you were right about them being a message. For Harry, B'Elanna and Tom, I believe our little furry friend is trying to let you know how appreciated and very important you are to him, and to our three rowdy ensigns, I think it was an olive branch, his way of saying 'I forgive you and you're still very important to me too, so let's continue to be good friends'."

Tuvok pondered her words carefully, but looked unconvinced, "assuming your hypothesis is correct, captain, I still fail to see the logic behind the decision to change your mind."
Janeway's smile broadened, "sometimes, Mr Tuvok, among us, often, illogical humans, forgiveness has a habit of becoming contagious."


Day two on the paradise planet was dedicated to foraging for supplies. Everyone got stuck-in and by evening time, the combined efforts of the whole crew had the ship's stores brimming with fresh produce, so much so, that one of the cargo bays and several empty crew quarters had to be converted into cold storage areas.

By late afternoon that same day, just 24 hours after the incident yesterday, Aki had also transformed back into his human form.
Since learning about the dangers Aki faced when transforming, the doctor had taken it upon himself to design and produce an injectable supplement that would give a temporary but significant boost to Aki's nutrition and metabolism, giving him the option to transform much sooner and more safely, without requiring long energy-building sessions prior to any transition.


That same afternoon, the three young ensigns stood to attention, side by side, in the captain's ready room, summoned there to be informed of their official punishment.

"Ensigns, you are here as a matter of discipline and it is my job to determine a suitable punishment for your unbecoming conduct yesterday."
"Yes captain!" All three replied conscientiously, standing stiff.
Janeway continued, "Yesterday I was ready to assign you plasma conduit scrubbing for a month, however, today, there has been a change of plan."
She paced around the room as she spoke.
"Your actions yesterday were poorly-judged and foolish, however, I acknowledge they were not malicious or were intended to cause harm. 
I accept you made an error of judgement, got caught up in the moment, it happens.
I also believe, had you actually realised your mistake sooner, you would have acted quickly to prevent the harm from occurring.

Make no mistake though, your failure to promptly recognise the harm you were causing at the time, remains a point of concern and great disappointment to me, but, it is my hope you will learn from this incident, and become better officers because of it.
Therefore, on further consideration, and also taking into account an appeal on your behalf from a certain feline member of our crew, I cannot in good conscience bring myself to hand out any further disciplinary actions regarding this matter. You forfeited a lot of yesterday's shore leave, so we'll call that time-served and put this matter to rest.

"Thank you captain!" exclaimed all three ensigns, simultaneously, looking relieved.
"Don't thank me, gentlemen," replied Janeway, "thank Aki, he's the one who turned things around for you."
"Did he really advocate for us, captain?" Asked ensign Farley.
Janeway nodded affirmatively, "in his own unique way, yes. I understand you all received a rather special gift this morning?"
The young ensigns looked at each other for a moment, uncertain what she meant, until one of them figured it out.
"Do you mean those dead rodents, captain?"
Janeway nodded, "despite what you did to him yesterday, it seems Aki still thinks very highly of the three of you. I believe those dead rodents were his way of letting you know."

Later that evening, Janeway entered the busy mess hall for her usual coffee and a snack. Among all the bustle, she spotted on the far side of the room, Aki in his human form, sat at a table with the three young ensigns. They were all smiling, chatting and laughing warmly together, their combined energy and body language radiating an unmistakable sense of great friendship, closeness and care.
As Kathryn sat drinking her coffee, discreetly observing them across the room, she witnessed on several occasions, the ensigns ruffling Aki's hair or touching his big cat ears in gestures of obvious and immense affection.
Seeing this happen, each time, gave Kathryn a warm glowing feeling within her heart. She realised the incident yesterday had brought the four of them much closer together and any rifts or misunderstandings between them, had been well and truly healed.


The next day, Voyager headed back into space, continuing the journey home.


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