The lunch bell rang, and Akito fled to the bathroom. He was always sure to use the freshman restroom, as they were less likely to join or catch him. Akito lifted himself up and sat on top of a sink. He was unusually skinny, having muscle definition only in his thighs and chest. Just looking at himself made him feel like he wanted to disappear... He often skipped out on lunch to smoke, and when he was at home... He often found himself locking himself in his room hiding from his torn family.

It wasn't that bad... It's just Akito found himself getting yelled at every time he exited his room. His older sister, Ena had an awfully strained relationship with their father, and by extension she also didn't like their mother. Their household was a constant yelling match where no one could win. Akito sighed, a puff of smoke exited his lips as he threw out his cigarette. He often crashed parties he wasn't invited to, they were a good excuse for him to drink alcohol, abuse substances and escape his home life.

He wondered why someone arrogant like Toya Aoyagi would want to go to such a party. If he were honest, it made him a little upset despite wanting to see him go against his words so he capsule him out on it. He wasn't sure why he felt upset about it. He chalked it up to just disliking Toya in general. He watched as his cigarette went out between his fingers. He sighed, reaching for his pocket for another, only to find an empty box. "Shit..." He cursed.

He desperately tried to light up his spent cigarette to avail. "Damn it!" He felt anxious as he hopped off the sink, turning to look at himself in the mirror. He tossed the cigarette in the trash, and then he turned the knob of the sink. Wetting his palms as he splashed water on his face. He hoped the cold, uncomfortable sensation would wash away his anxiety, like a wave. He was only met with disappointment as his heart still raced. He clenched the rims of the sink tightly as he looked at his face. Picking himself apart.

He took a shaky sigh as the end of lunch bell rang. While the Freshmen's bathroom was a nice place to skip out on major events like lunch or assemblies, he had to split now. His anxiety was frustrating him, and he gave gossipers nasty stares as he made his way to his classroom. The rest of the day seemed to go by slowly, with Akito anxiously awaiting his chance to drink his troubles away. As the clocked ticked the last bell finally rang, and Akito was out of there. He left the classroom mid teacher's instruction, he didn't really care what she had to say anyway.

Akito arrived home and dressed himself in appropriate party attire. A white button up shirt, the first three buttons left undone, exposing his cleanly shaven chest, black jeans, and he put earrings in his ears. To top it all off he slipped on a ring on his left hand. He sprayed some cologne and brushed his teeth, fully aware that his breath was soon to go sour thanks to alcohol. Although he was anxious, his disdain with looking "bad" was enough to prompt him to take his time crafting his look. He applied a light chapstick, cherry flavor for his love of sweets.

He rushed out his door, running past his sister and parents who were yelling about something. He tuned them out as he left out the front door. His memory was a little hazy, but he knew his way to Tsukasa's place, having had attended one of his parties before. Regrettably so. He rolled his eyes at the thought as he ran to his house. He walked in the door and was met with bright colors, loud, crappy sounding, music, and a bunch of fellow teenagers doing things their parents would not approve of.

Akito smiled, rushing toward the table where alcohol was set. But before he could pour himself a cup, he felt a looming hand on his shoulder. Annoyed, he turned around to see Toya Aoyagi. Akito furrowed his brow, then smiled. "Fancy seeing someone so "perfect" in a place like this, huh? I didn't think you'd actually come." Akito teased knocking Toya's hand off his shoulder and turning back around to the drinks. He was haunted by Toya's tone. "Akito." His voice was commanding almost, but for some reason...

Akito sensed a bit of vulnerability in it. Akito, enticed by curiosity and frustration, turned back around to Toya. "What?" He replied annoyed, being interrupted yet again. Before Toya would respond, Akito felt himself being pulled away. Toya grabbed his wrist. Akito felt upset as An spotted them. She yelled "They're going to fight!" drawing attention. While Akito wasn't opposed to fighting Toya, he hated the attention it wa giving him. Toya on the other hand, didn't seem to turn his head as he led Akito away.

"Where are we going!? Let go of me!" Akito whisper-yelled. A crowd of people followed, chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Akito felt the pressure on him. Tsukasa stepped in, wearing some kind of bed sheet as a cape. "Guys! Look at me instead! I have some magic tricks to show you~" Tsukasa yelled, drawing everyone's attention. He was definitely some kind of high. He had to be. Akito thought as he nearly forgot that he was being hauled away by Toya.

Toya lead Akito to a secluded hallway of Tsukasa's house. He seemed to know the area pretty well. Akito didn't even know Tsukasa's house was this big. "What's your problem?" Akito asked annoyed. "...I really... Hate you. You know that?" Toya responded blankly, digging his nails into his arm as he looked into Akito's eyes. "Wow, I would've never guessed." Akito responded sarcastically, drawing himself in closer to try to find a trace of emotion in Toya's face.

"Why do you act stupid? It's repulsive." Toya asked, a hint of frustration lacing his voice. "Says the guy who's also at a party lie this." Akito smirked, though annoyed by Toya's question. "Oh please. I'd rather be anywhere else." Toya huffed. "Oh? Then why the hell are you here? Seems like to me you're just a hypocrite who needs to cry to daddy when things don't go his way." Akito mocked. Toya drew in closer, his eyes glued to Akito. "What do you know about me?" Toya asked harshly, his tone deepening.

Akito was a bit surprised at Toya's sudden frustration. "Huh? Did I strike a nerve?" Akito smirked. "Maybe you did." Toya said, barely above whisper. Akito felt his heart pounding in his chest, his anxiety roaring to be quenched. He put his hands on Toya's shoulders in an attempt to push him away, but Toya didn't budge, all it seemed to do was bring them closer. "I'm not finished with you. Answer my damn question." Toya said harshly, his words surprising Akito.

"So you can cuss." Akito remarked. Toya rolled his eyes. "I guess only when come to you. You infuriate me like no other." Toya frowned. "The feelings mutual I guess." Akito responded, the tension was so thick it could be physically cut with a knife. Akito longed for some kind of relief, he noticed Toya seemed to be shaking. Was it out of anger? Or... Toya closed the distance between the two, foreheads pressed against each other as they stared intensely in each other's eyes.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're trying to kiss me." Akito frowned. Toya rolled his eyes again. "Why would I want to kiss you of all people?" Akito felt challenged by Toya's words. "What you think you're too good for it or something?" Akito smiled, his frustration getting worse. "Precisely." Toya smiled a little. Akito felt his brow twitch as he loosened his grip on Toya's shoulders and wrapped his arms around Toya's neck. "You bastard, I'll just have to show then." Akito whispered against Toya's lips as they connected.

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