Akito gasped as Toya drew away for a moment, looking Akito in the eyes. A hint of curiosity gleamed in Toya's silver irises. He just couldn't let it go, could he? "What did you mean?" Toya asked, his forehead pressed against Akito's. "I don't know just don't stop you idiot..!" Akito huffed in a desperate attempt to move on from he said. Toya appeared to be contemplating something, his lips closed and his brow raised slightly. "Alright... But you're the only idiot here." Toya responded before going in to kiss Akito again.

Akito would've laughed at Toya's sad attempt at a rebuttal but instead found himself letting out a soft noise at the contact, surprising both of them as they pulled apart for a moment. Akito's cheeks flushed red. Toya smirked slightly in amusement. The surprise didn't last long as Toya  pulled Akito back in for the kiss. Akito was fully ready to retort Toya, but Toya just had to be the one with the last word in, huh? It made Akito frustrated, but all of that seemed to drown away as their lips connected. Toya was too good at this... The thought bugged him a bit.

Toya let out a shaky breath as the two parted lips. "Hmph. With how prestigious you make yourself out to be I would've assumed you had no game. I guess I was wrong, admit it you've "been" with a girl or two." Akito smirked mockingly. "Why would you think that? Of course not." Toya asked a hint of annoyance in his voice. Akito's eyes widened as his finger slowly point at himself. "S-So... That makes me your first?" He could feel his chest tighten.

Toya closed the distance between the two of them. "I don't know why that should matter. You make good practice." Toya sighed as he kissed
Akito again. Akito's mind lingered on those words for a moment. He makes good practice. Good. Practice. At least he was good at something... For once. He felt his heart beating fast. He never wanted this to end. He felt so... Validated. Like he mattered. 'My standards are really on the ground, huh?' He thought to himself as he got swept away in the kiss, a little angry at himself for thinking being called "good practice" is the best thing he could have ever heard.

It felt like the kisses only got better each time, as if Toya was adapting accordingly to Akito's needs. What felt good and what didn't. It was weird. Like Akito was floating, he wasn't used to being cared for in such a way. Though he hated to admit it, Toya had knack for this. As their two lips parted for the last time in this encounter, Akito found himself still clinging to Toya. Toya looked to the side. "Could you... Let go?" He said, trying not to sound rude, given the after shock that occurred every time after their make-out sessions.

Akito felt weird. As if he didn't want to leave. He looked up into Toya's eyes. "I don't want..." He whispered before he covered his mouth with his hand. What was he going to say..? "What? Do you want to continue? Just say it." Toya asked bluntly. Akito felt his heart flutter as he shook his head. Leaning against Toya's shoulder in defeat. "Just... Shut up." Akito breathed out. Toya seemed confused, but he didn't pry. Akito was confused himself. He was just glad Toya didn't question him.

"I hate you." Toya sighed, bringing his hand up to the back of Akito's hair in comfort. Akito was... Crying..? "I-I... Me too... I hate me too." Akito chocked on his words. Toya's hand halted, the only sound that could be heard were Akito's soft whimpers into Toya's shoulder. "...Your hair." Toya broke the silence, his tone hesitant. Akito responded with a quiet but curious hum. "It's... Nice. If it weren't yours I wouldn't mind it." Toya spoke, his words surprised Akito.

Akito wondered if Toya were taunting him, or if this was really just a flawed attempt at comfort. Either way, Akito found himself lightly chuckling, wiping his tears. "My hair..?" He asked in disbelief, looking Toya in the eyes. Toya blinked a couple times. "I guess... It's well-kept and it smells nice. Even I couldn't hate your pretty orange locks." Toya shrugged. Akito blushed a bit, backing away. He had never been complimented before. Well, meaningfully.

"Your's would probably look better than mine if you didn't put so much damn hair gel in it." Akito remarked teasingly. "You think?" Toya seemed to genuinely question. Akito was taken aback by Toya's response. "Well, I'd like it better..." Akito muttered to himself before shaking his head. "Ah, it's nothing. I could care less about an arrogant guy like yourself decides to do with his hair." Akito waved his hands as he shrugged with a forced smile. Toya rolled his eyes. "Funny coming from you." Toya furrowed his brow.

"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah..." Akito chuckled, wiping the rest of his tears. "I guess... I'll see you here again tomorrow as well?" Toya asked. Akito blushed slightly, feeling his desires were recognized. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Akito teased. Toya went silent. Shit. Maybe Akito had pushed it too far. Akito began to worry. However, Akito would have never expected Toya's response. A small, gentle smile tugged at his lips. The soft lips that just a couple seconds ago, had touched Akito's just as gently.

"I would." Toya said, his voice having no hint of frustration or mockery. Pure and genuine. Akito felt his heart skip a beat. "You..! You weren't supposed to agree!" Akito looked away. "...Oh... So, then why'd you ask in the first place if you didn't want to come?!" Toya responded in annoyance. "No! That's..!" Akito covered his mouth, contemplating what he should say. Toya looked to be a mix of annoyed and confused. It seemed that dues to their make-out sessions, Akito had been more aware of Toya's emotions despite his stoic nature.

Akito wasn't exactly proud of it. He tried to pretend like he didn't notice, but Toya had carried a sense of... Sadness around him. Akito couldn't quite shake the feeling. He never noticed it before. However, when they kissed... It was almost as if that sadness lightened up a bit. Akito brushed off the thought as he spoke, "Fine, I'll be here. Don't be late~" Akito chuckled, teasingly. Knowing Toya was a punctual person, and implying he'd be late would bother him. "I won't." He responded annoyed as Akito walked away.

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