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I walked back into the main hall where the party was continuing and set about finding Tissaia, I found her deep in conversation with one of the other mages. "Tissaia dear, how about a dance?" I asked as she smiled and nodded to the mages, ending their conversation.
"We need to be here for The Melange."
"I'm sure they won't miss us."
"Alright." She extended her hand to me which I took, we walked past the guests and into a smaller room, the door to which we closed.
Tissaia drew me gently into her arms and made me spin slightly, a light chuckle escaped my lips. A soft smile spread across her features as she saw the joy in my smile. I was ecstatic with the twirls that she sent me into; to my surprise, Tissaia pulled herself closer so we were flush against each other, her hands going around my neck in a loving grasp. She held me tightly, yet gently. We went around the room several times, spinning and laughing. We brought our foreheads together as we both closed our eyes, simply taking in the moment. I let my hands wander up her back, feeling the fabric of the dress, holding her close while we danced to the faint music that drifted in through the now slightly open door as Triss and Sabrina watched through a crack.
"We have admirers." I whispered, resting my head on Tissaia's shoulder.
"Mmmm, who?"
"Sabrina and Triss," I muttered, my eyes still closed. "I could hear their happiness on the other side of Aretuza. Why are people's thoughts so loud?" I groaned as Tissaia stopped moving.
"I don't know. Perhaps you've been around me too long, go socialize."
"I don't want to. I want a drink and to lie down."
"No to the drink, but yes to the lie down. I will join you, I need my shoes off for a second." I laughed as we walked, or rather speedily limped, back to our chambers.

We flopped down onto the bed, Tissaia immediately removing her shoes and soundproofing the room; "Now why have you soundproofed this room hun?"
"We might get adventurous."
"Again? And with a conclave approaching?"
"Mmmm. You never know." She hummed as I rolled my eyes before closing them and surrendering to sleep.

I awoke in the room when a pulse of magic flowed through me, trouble. I slid out of the bed and changed my clothing to that of Nilfgaard's armor; black with vine like indentations and a black cloak. I opened the door, my sword in a scabbard, "Prepare for battle, lads!" A soldier shouted as a blade rang through the air followed by thumping.
"Come! This is one!" A second shouted, as yelling got closer in the corridors.
"Move! Move! " A soldier shoved a mage, "Keep moving! Move it!"
"I swear, if you say another word..."
"On whose orders?" A woman screamed as a soldier pointed his sword at her.
"Move it!"
"You were one of us, Radcliffe." Artorius stated, "why sell out the Brotherhood?" He grunted, "let go!"
"I'm a prisoner?"
"Do you know what you're doing?"
"We're only here for mages. Get them out!"
A woman screamed, "With me! This way!"
"That one! Take a stand!"
"Take your hands off me!" Artaud shouted as he was pushed through the corridors.
"Best to come peacefully." Keira, another mage muttered. 
"How much did you pay these dogs, Keira?"
There was a thud followed by a woman screaming, a soldier yelled, "You, shut up!"
A door opened down the hall as Triss walked out and saw me, she hurried over; "There's a coup, Jade. I fear we have traitors amount us."
"I know. Have you seen Tissaia?" I asked as she shook her head.
We moved around the corridors of Aretuza until we found Tissaia, "We need to help the others."
"Follow me. Let me go first, I'm the strongest."
"Alright." Tissaia agreed, letting me walk ahead; forcing soldiers to the walls or choking them to the point of unconsciousness.

I pushed the doors open and walked into a room, Dijkstra and some Redanian soldiers were stood around the edges, "Finally, our headmistress."
"Tissaia, thank gods you're safe." One of the staff members, Marti, stated.
Rita, another teacher, followed the request by muttering, "Please make this right."
"Keira! Radcliffe! Why have they not been secured?" Dijkstra asked as a guard approached me as I stood in front of Tissaia.
"I told them I would melt their faces if they touched me." Tissaia growled as I choked the soldier with my mind.
"There'll be no face melting here. Jade, drop the soldier. I've shrouded your little kingdom in a powerful binding spell." Philippa stated.
"Oh yes, I can feel it. From The Book of the Waning Sun. I wrote that book." Tissaia muttered, as I dropped the soldier who fell to his knees.
"We will concede you are the most powerful of mages. The beating heart of Aretuza. Where you go, the Brotherhood follows, which is why we will be courteous." Dijkstra stated.
"She won't believe your lies. Your sad gambit to put all mages in the service of Vizimir."
A soldier raised his hand, "Strike him, you will not live to see sunset."
"There's no need. We have accounts of portals bridging this place and Nilfgaard. Vilgefortz's portals." Dijkstra stated as I rolled my eyes.
"Why should anyone here believe you?"
"Listen, we know that you've tainted the Brotherhood by having that nasty bastard Rience doing your dirty work." Radcliffe growled, stepping closer.
"Rience was ousted years ago." Vilgefortz replied.
"Oh, was he?"
"Shut your mouth, Radcliffe!" Bianca shouted.
"And what of you, Witcher? What is your stake? Are you part of this insanity?" Dijkstra asked as I noted the Witcher's presence for the first time.
"I am not. Nor do I think the accusations insane. You did know this was coming. You admitted as much last night."
"First Stregobor, now Vilgefortz? Who will it be next?"
"The powers that threaten the Continent, Philippa and Dijkstra, are who should be on trial here. I don't give a shit about Brotherhood politics." Someone stated as I remained tight-lipped.
"There's an unnatural fog in the bay." Geralt stated, drawing the attention from the mages.
"What do you mean?" Radcliffe asked as I joined Geralt by the windows.
"Someone's using magic to conceal ships."
"Don't you see? It's a Redanian army. Here to support their treachery. To destroy everything we have worked for."
"I must give Aplegatt a large boon." Dijkstra muttered, turning from the window.
"Can we wait a second, Jade, why are you wearing Nilfgaard's armor?"
"I stayed there. It was a gift." I growled, noting Vilgefortz's smirk. "And why are you smirking Vilgefortz?"
"Tissaia, you must break the binding spell." Vilgefortz stated, not answering my question.
"You'll only delay the inevitable. Vilgefortz will be exposed today. He spurned you for what you had to do at Sodden Hill."
"Whoever they are, they're moving closer." Geralt muttered as I rolled my eyes.
"Break the binding spell." Vilgefortz commanded. 
"Shut him up!" Someone shouted as Tissaia began whispering in Elder speech.
"Sabrina?" Dijkstra asked, turning to the blonde.
"Oh, shit."
"Anybody, stop her!" The metal restraints snapped as Tissaia continued speaking in Elder.
"Death to Redania." There was a whoosh as the magic was restored to the mages, soldiers yelped as the room became  a blood bath.
"Mmm... I should have known better, friend." Tissaia growled, turning her attention to Philippa.
"No. You should've paid more attention... friend."
"I'm finished here." Vilgefortz stated, leaving the room as Marti turned to Tissaia.
"We'll take it from here, Tissaia." Tissaia glanced quickly at me as I drew my sword.
I didn't meet her eye as I jogged after Vilgefortz, "Stop! I saw you in Nilfgaard and turned a blind eye, I will not help you." I shouted as Tissaia appeared behind me.
"Vilgefortz! We can take the Redanians out if we unite our Chaos and trap them in the tunnels."
"That won't be happening. The Scoia'tael will enter this place and burn it to the ground in the name of the White Flame." Vilgefortz replied, his back turned to both of us.
"The Scoia'tael? What are you talking..." the realization hit her like a brick. "Why? This is our home."
"No, Tissaia. This is your home. I don't care who sacks it. I have my own aims. And they no longer include you."
"How could you?" She asked softly.
"Stregobor, with his pride, was easy to set up. And you, with your undying trust, were easy to fool."
"Vilgefortz, please. Please, do not do this!" I listened as overlapping whispers in Elder speech filled my mind, there was a thump as a hidden entrance began to open. "Vilgefortz." Tissaia begged as the sound of rumbling grew louder.
"Poor Tissaia. Such a failure of judgment." Vilgefortz jeered as Tissaia gasped softly as the stones ground apart. 

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