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I stood with Jade in the courtyard as the Brotherhood walked out of the doors on the sides. "Tissaia will lose a lover tonight, and it will not be me." Vilgefortz called as he approached us from behind; I gently squeezed Jade's arm as I let my hand fall and moved back to stand by the Brotherhood.
Her eyes were full of rage as Vilgefortz watched her. "Good. I can feel your anger. Take out your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred."
Jade could resist no longer. Her sword flew into her hand from its sheath on her hip; lighting it on fire at the same time as she swung at Vilgefortz. His sword flashed into view, blocking Jade's blow before it could reach him. Jade and Vilgefortz were engaged in a duel of swords even more vicious than the last time at Jade's ascension. But the young woman had not only gained power but was also stronger in the way of sword fighting, and now the advantage shifted to her. Vilgefortz was forced back, losing his balance, and was knocked onto the floor.
Jade stood still, ready to attack. "Good. Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you." Vilgefortz urged as Jade looked momentarily toward me, then back to Vilgefortz. She stepped back and relaxed driving the hate from her being.
"You've been taught you well."
"I will not hurt you."
Vilgefortz walked back over to her. "You are unwise to lower your defenses."
He attacked, forcing Jade on the defensive. The young mage leapt in an amazing reverse flip up to the safety of a corridor overhead. Vilgefortz stood below her. "Your thoughts betray you, I can tell you don't want to do this." Jade shouted down as he looked up at Jade as she leant forwards.
"I do. I want you to hurt like I did for months after our last duel."
"You couldn't kill me before, and I don't believe can now." Jade called.
"If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny."
Vilgefortz threw the sword and it hurled towards Jade before another appeared in its sheath on his thigh. As he looked down, Jade hurled herself onto the floor and rolled out of sight behind plants and curtains that adorned the edges of the courtyard. Vilgefortz moved to find Jade.
Vilgefortz stalked the low-ceilinged area around the courtyard, searching for Jade as she rolled from plant to plant,  both of their swords held ready. "You cannot hide forever."
"I will not fight you."
"You should have thought about that before you challenged me. Or will I have to hurt Tissaia to get you to fight?"
"You wouldn't?"
"It's a life. I have taken many." He stated, turning towards me his sword swirling in the air as he drew closer.
"Stay away from her!" Jade roared as she screamed in anger, rushing at us with a frenzy I hadn't seen before. Jade's hatred forced Vilgefortz to retreat out of the low area and across the yard. Each stroke of Jade's sword drove Vilgefortz further toward defeat. The mage was knocked to his knees, and as he raised his sword to block another onslaught, I slashed at his right hand; cutting it slightly. Vilgefortz's sword clattered uselessly away, Jade moved over him and held the blade of her sword to the man's throat.
"Your hate has made you powerful. Now, if it's to be the end of me, make it quick."
Jade looked down at Vilgefortz and sighed heavily, before she stepped back and hurled her sword away. "No. I don't want to kill you, I feel too much grief and regret over all the lives I've already taken I will not add your life to my list. Stay away from Tissaia." She growled, turning and walking away from the courtyard; leaving Vilgefortz on his knees.
I followed Jade as she stalked through the halls and disappeared into our room.

I opened the door to see Jade sat in a chair by the fire, aimlessly watching the flames. "You didn't fight him properly."
"His only thoughts were about you. And yours him."
"You said you couldn't read my thoughts. Or emotions."
"I can read those that are evident, those that are concealed are another matter. Your love for me is hidden, too deep for you to mean anything by your words Tissaia."
"I mean it. I really do love you."
"Say it to my face and mean it next time." She growled as she got up and turned to face me, "Don't try and find me." She opened a portal and walked through, it closed leaving me alone in my chambers.

I staggered to a chair and collapsed into it, I felt nothing. I was used to hiding my emotions from Jade for so long it took a while to register in my head as to what happened. The door was opened by Triss, who evidently sensed something was wrong, and knelt by my side; "Where's Jade?"
"She's gone. She'll find me when she wants to. Give her space, you know how she gets." I muttered, barely hiding my voice cracking.
"You can show your emotions around me. I'm not like Jade is."
"And what is Jade like?" I asked, turning abruptly towards Triss.
"She's... difficult to be around for a long time."
"For you perhaps. But I myself value her company over everyone else's, she's the one who makes sense as well as myself." I stated, looking back at the flames. "You should go. I want rest."
"Mmm. See you later Rectress."

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