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I stumbled through the woods, tears running down my face; my guilt and remorse flooding out. I let out a gut-wrenching wail, my tears falling like rain as I collapsed to the floor. I felt the darkness in me trying to claw its way out, force itself out of me. I looked at my hands as they flared into red flames, "TISSAIA!!!!!" I exploded into red flames, destroying all the trees and things around me. A twig snapped as I slowly began calming down, a woman in a cloak ducked to avoid the flames, then stood up again.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"Don't come any closer." I growled, stepping away from the woman who continued to come closer. "I mean it." I muttered, my hands getting hotter as flames began licking at my palms and fingers. "I don't want to hurt you."
Smoke began to seep out of my hands, as the woman tried to fight through it. "I can help you." I briefly lost sight of the lady in the thickening smoke surrounding me. "You're Jade, I'll help you. You just need guidance, come with me." Her voice disappeared in the smoke as I cried out.
"I CAN'T!" My fear, so strong, sucked the smoke back into me and then flames burst out, unwittingly. The woman was struck in the chest, she grasped her chest in pain and stumbled back before falling to her knees.
I stood up slowly and gasped when I saw the woman, she rolled forwards and began breathing laboriously; I moved quickly to her side and began healing her as she faded into unconsciousness. Once she was healed I got up from the floor and opened a portal to Cintra, I walked through it leaving the woman on the floor.

I appeared in a room in a castle, broken wood covered the floor and footsteps walked past the door. I opened it and walked into the corridor, following the footsteps to another room where a woman and an elf stood conversing. "Who are you and how did you get here?" I heard as a guard stepped in front of me but immediately collapsed to the floor, gripping his throat as I strangled him with my magic.
"My name is Jade and I portalled in."
"Jade. The one at Sodden?" The elf asked as I smiled.
"Fringilla. I'm aware you said I didn't have to come to Cintra but I seem to have nowhere else to go."
"No. I have some...personal issues there."
"We could use your magic."
I nodded and slowly got onto one knee in front of the elf and Fringilla. "I give my magic to Nilfgaard. For the White Flame." I stated, my eyes flashing red then returning to normal.
"Arise, my friend. We will put you in charge of rebuilding." I rose from my knees, now in allegiance with Nilfgaard and Fringilla.
"Yes, Fringilla."

Cintra had been rebuilt, the elven royalty had had a child which was then found dead under mysterious circumstances and began to question Fringilla's loyalties and motives. I sat in a small room, like Tissaia's office space in her chambers my mind wandering over my accomplishments over the past four years. I was so focused on the memories of Tissaia that I didn't notice Fringilla who was stood opposite me, "Get over her."
"I can't."
"She only brings you pain. If you want portal to Aretuza and apologize, I'm sure they'd take you back."
"They won't. I've attacked Vilgefortz twice, he's a pain. Seen him around here as well, lurking as usual. Nothing going on?" 
"No. Try and return to Aretuza."
"Alright." I muttered, rising and looking at Fringilla. "Close the door on your way out and put this office to good use if I don't come back."
"I will." She replied as she closed the door.

I opened a portal and walked through to the edge of Thanedd Island where Aretuza was perched. I had only seen it a few times, I decided to portal in as a precaution from the guards.
The portal opened in the corridor outside of Tissaia's room, I sighed heavily and retreated away from the door. I moved through the corridors and down towards the cellars where I'd found solitude when I grew up there, I closed my eyes and rested my head on the stone; muffled voices that grew clearer as they approached made my attention spike, "We need a conclave. Invite mages from the northern kingdoms and maybe Jade." I recognized the voice of the speaker as Yennefer and reached out to her telepathically.
'Yennefer don't react to hearing me'
'Tissaia can't know I'm here'
'Well you've failed at that she's coming down your way if you're in the cellar'
The door opened as Tissaia stepped into the room, "Hey." I muttered, smiling slightly.
"You complete ass! Jade!" She shouted, "You show up here after years!" She shouted in between slaps, "and you say 'hey'?"  Yennefer retreated up the stairs.
"I came to apologize to you."
"Well? I'm waiting for the apology."
"Tissaia, will you accept my apology for my actions and mistakes I've made in the past and will come to light?"
"I will, the Brotherhood and Vilgefortz might not. I know Vilgefortz still holds a grudge."
"Of course he does, it's his nature." I muttered as Tissaia turned to the door.
"Coming up?"
"I'll have to hide somewhere."
"Not here though. My chambers."
"The one used for nightly activities with you and Vilgefortz?" I asked as Tissaia whirled around and pressed me against the wall.
"You know nothing of the pain I have gone through these four years. He might call himself my lover but I have never loved him and will continue to love only you. Take it how you want but I do not love that man." She growled as she walked swiftly back up the stairs.

I walked into the chambers and sat on a chair by the fireplace, "Do you want a drink or anything to eat?" I shook my head and looked at Tissaia as she sat at her desk writing.
I got up and stood behind Tissaia as she stopped writing and looked at me, "You stood there when you first arrived. Climbed onto the window and looked out of it." She muttered as I did as she had described then jumped down, "And you did that." She laughed and smiled softly.
"'Please don't hurt yourself before lessons.' Is what you said, I remember. You were stern and no fun when I was younger, but then you dropped the facade and became lighthearted." I replied looking down at the lady.
"Did I?" She smiled as she rose and gently kissed my hand.
"Such a lady. Maybe I should marry you Tissaia." I chuckled and slid off the window ledge.
"Would you? Marry me, that is?"
I smiled and gently placed a kiss on her lips, "Yes. Only it would have to be our secret though."
I immediately kissed her back and replied, "Mmm. The Brotherhood wouldn't agree with it."
"Neither would Vilgefortz." I muttered as she wrapped her arms around my waist, "But who cares about them?"
"Not us." She replied, resting her head on my shoulder and placing a gentle kiss on the skin.

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