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"There are, what, 60 of us? And we're the saviors of the Continent?"
"Well, the good news is there's only one way to move north: through Sodden Hill. We must get to the Elven keep that guards it before Nilfgaard does." Vilgefortz stated as I huffed and watched Tissaia as she walked ahead.
"When is that?" I asked, not looking at the man.
"My sources say the general's moving troops to the Yaruga Valley. They're two days away. If we cut them off at the choke hold, we can still stop the Empire's progress. We have sent word to the Northern Kingdoms. Temeria and Kaedwen will join us to defend their lands."
"When is that?"
"Within two days. Hopefully. We will fortify the keep until they arrive. That's the strategy."
"A military strategy." I scoffed as he shrugged.
"We're mages. Damn powerful ones." I growled, walking towards Tissaia as men shouted in the distance. "Does Nilfgaard really believe they can take the whole Continent?"
"They've been collecting soldiers, occupying territories... letting loose their beliefs like an epidemic."
"I saw it first hand in Nazair."
"Nilfgaard take people down to their worst, then give them something to cling to. Even if it's shitty ale."
"That's why we're here. Because sometimes it's not shitty ale. Sometimes it's a bed in a pigpen. You have to make a choice to fight back." Tissaia stated, looking at me.
"If Nilfgaard wanted to take the North, why would they expose themselves by sacking Cintra first? Why wouldn't they just push through Sodden and surprise everyone?" I asked, the concept of the military strategy of Nilfgaard was confusing.
"First, she shuns the military, now she's a military expert." Vilgefortz muttered.
"First, he speaks to her as though she's not there, and then he loses a limb." I growled as he chuckled.
"You're a talented mage.  An asset, to be sure. Despite being a..." he trailed off as I chuckled.
"An inconvenient arsehole?"
"I couldn't have said it better myself. Why did you come?" He asked, turning to face me.
"We've been walking for hours and you still haven't answered my question."
"If my military experience has taught me anything, it's that the bigger picture's left for history, which makes our task very clear: hold Sodden, save the Continent. Are you in?" He asked, as we reached the top of a hill and looked out at Sodden.
"Is this what we're protecting?"
"For hundreds of years, this keep has guarded the narrowest parts of the Yaruga River. Now it's the only thing standing between Nilfgaard and the North." Tissaia stated as I sighed heavily.
"Thanks for the history lesson."
"These people, they have been pushed here from their homes. They've seen the scorched earth, the fields of corpses stretching between Gemmera and this river." A man stated as I rolled my eyes.
"Such cruelty." Tissaia stated as I turned to face Vilgefortz.
"It's Nilfgaard's way. There's nothing like a higher purpose to permit men to do the unspeakable."
"But it's all any of us have left. We have to defend it."
"That's heroic." One of the mages stated.
"And stupid." I muttered, earning a hard slap by Tissaia.
"Take the children and hide before they get here."
"There is no more hiding from Nilfgaard. They have come from beyond the mountains to destroy the world." I scoffed.
"You still believe it can be saved?" Tissaia asked the man who looked at her, his eyes softening.
"I suppose I do. With some help."

"One here, on the east gate."
"Is this all we have?" I asked as a woman sighed.
"Aye. I'm afraid so. We tried to get more fletchin', but... Nilfgaard's blocked the roads, taken everythin' from us. Nothin' left to do but wait for 'em to attack."

There was indistinct chatter and laughing as I sat with Yennefer and Triss. A baby cried in the corner with a mother who was failing to get it to shut up. "Is Vilgefortz to be our new daddy?" Triss asked, nudging Yennefer.
"If he is, I'll kill him like I should have centuries ago." I growled, looking at Tissaia as she rested her head on his shoulder. 
"You did time in Temeria. Do you believe King Foltest will bring the Northern armies?" Yennefer asked as Triss turned her head from me.
"I know he will. His daughter was cursed. A striga, I guess I was the only one who didn't see her as a lost cause."
"You saved her?" Yennefer asked.
"Well, we did. I enlisted a Witcher. Geralt of Rivia. I often wonder where fate took him."
"Somewhere unpleasant, I'm sure. You should be wary of his kind. They're so often disappointing." Yennefer muttered, getting up and walking over to Tissaia as Vilgefortz had left.
"So. What's the deal with you and Vilgefortz?"
"I fought him before I was kicked out of Aretuza."
"You love her?"
"Mm. So does he. I can tell, I know what everyone here is feeling except for Tissaia." 
"Must be frustrating."
"There's only so much I know. I betrayed her, I don't want her forgiveness though." I muttered, downing the pint of ale that sat in the mug.
"Go talk to her. Make amends. One of you could die."
"I pray it will be me." I muttered, walking over to the ale cart and pouring more into my cup.

I sat half a meter from Tissaia as she looked at me then Triss and then Vilgefortz. I turned my attention to Triss who gestured with her hands for me to move closer.
"The ale won't disappoint." She stated as I nodded.
"We should enjoy it while we can. It's the first thing Nilfgaard will destroy." I growled as she sighed.
"Must you always be so fatalistic?"
"It's only appropriate, seeing as we might die."
"All the more reason to live tonight." She replied as I laughed.
"Mmm. Like you." She chuckled and then turned to me.
"So, are you ready?"
"To die? Yes. I've lived two or three lifetimes already."
"But you haven't been satisfied in any of them."
"I've tried. But it's hard when you were trapped in a cursed coffin for a few centuries. It's time to accept that life has no more to give." I stated, looking at the ale in my hand.
"You still have so much left to give."
"Like what? You have Vilgefortz, it's plain he loves you."
"Says the one who can read emotions."
"Mmm. Most people's. Everyone here is nervous, scared, sad. Then I look at you and it's nothing. Mildly infuriating." I muttered not looking at her.
"What do you feel?"
"I was trapped by a woman, she and a daughter. I killed a few people."
"How many?" Tissaia growled.
"I lost count after the first three villages."
"Three villages?!"
"Don't tell me you've grown soft?" I muttered, sitting down at one of the tables.
"I missed you is all. You were the only company I had before you turned to darker magic."
"You missed me?" I asked, turning to face Tissaia.
"No... I don't know." She muttered. "You mentioned to Triss you're like Vilgefortz, how?"
"We both have something in common only I'd be called a pariah or killed."
"Hmmm? What is it?"
"Our love... for you. And mine isn't maternal."
"Ah. Not like the woman you killed?"
"No. When I killed her it gave me the powers to kill the rest of them." I growled as Tissaia nodded.
"I re-read the letter your mother sent all those years ago. I realized I never actually taught you anything, so I wasn't your teacher; more of a person to recover something that was lost. But you did all the work in reality, you knew everything it was just getting the memories back to use the power you have. I called myself your teacher but I am not, I am just a woman who helped you get yourself back — you are my teacher, Jade. You made me realize things I didn't know or didn't want to accept."
"Our relationship was maternal I thought, then I realized when I read the letter before you did, when I received it, you had no use for a mother; you'd already had two. I chose friend over family, which I now realize was a good choice because it's allowed for me to discover what I feel this relationship is or could be."
"Enlighten me."
"You just plainly confessed you love me not as a mother."
"Mmm. I never did see you as either a mother or a teacher, more friend." I muttered as she shifted.
"We both know my emotions elude you, so I'll make it easy for you. I like you too."
"Being unable to see you after a decade of it being you and me was hard. I didn't want to go to Aretuza but I was dragged here by Yennefer; seeing you made the pain come back."
"I felt it when I left Aretuza, like my heart was being crushed and then set ablaze."
"Do you know is it?"
"Enlighten me."
"It's complicated." She stopped as Vilgefortz walked over and interrupted us.
"Nilfgaard. They're here."

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