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I ran through the forest and stopped at a small tree where a woman was sitting alone. "Jade."
"Who are you?"
"Someone who can teach you to control the darker side of your magic."
"I'm not sure I understand."
"You feel betrayed."
"No. I'm not."
"You feel you can't trust Tissaia anymore. You're worried about The Brotherhood. I would be if I had your talent."
"I don't think..."
"Jade, search your feelings. You know, don't you?"
"You speak like Tissaia."
"Hardly, but your thoughts are easy to read. You're struggling to hold it in. Don't. Let go of it all."
"I can't." I whispered as the woman stood up and let her cloak drop.
"I know The Brotherhood doesn't trust you."
"Or anyone other than themselves, for that matter."
"I have to admit that lately my trust in them has been shaken." I muttered, shifting on the floor.
"Remember back to your early teachings, Jade. 'You can't become chaos."
"It's what keeps good magic from being taught."
"Good is a point of view, Jade. And The Brotherhood's point of view is not the only valid one. The Dark mages  believe in security and justice also, yet they are considered by others to be..."
"...evil." I finished as the woman nodded.
"Yes. From a good mages limited point of view. The bad and the good magics are similar in almost every way, including the need for greater power. The difference between the two is that dark magic is more powerful and used in battles." 
"The dark mages rely on their passion for their strength. They think inwardly, only about themselves." I stated turning to face the woman.
"Is that what Tissaia taught you?"
"She only cares about my abilities being controlled."
"Or so you've been taught to believe. Why is it, then, that she has allowed The Brotherhood to go ahead with watching you?"
"I'm not sure."
"Have they asked you to betray a friendship? Your values? Think. Consider their motives. Keep your mind clear of assumptions. The fear of losing power is a weakness of both the good and the bad mages." I was deep in thought. "Use that what you have control over. I'll show you the older magics that are more powerful yet banned by The Brotherhood."
"I'll think about it."
"I'll see you tomorrow." The woman muttered before disappearing into thin air.

I paced back and forth outside Tissaia's office, my anger and guilt dueling for control of my emotions. The inner turmoil broke free. With my right arm, I punched the wall, shattering it with my fury. Tissaia emerged from the shadows, as she always did, and rushed over to comfort me. "Jade, what's the matter?" I continued pacing madly, the only way to sate the adrenaline still rushing through my system. "Tell me?" Tissaia cautiously advanced toward me.
"It's likely that you'll never forgive me for this."
"Forgive you for what? Jade, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
I slowed down my pacing and took several deep breaths. "I've been in control of dark magic for a while." I leaned my back against the wall, slid my body down until I was sitting on the floor. Only now did Tissaia approach me.
"I see."
"No! You don't see, I used it to kill my sister!"
"You never told me. What is it in self-defense?"
I looked up, my eyes bloodshot and red, I shook my head, no. "No."
"How did you do it?"
"Oh, dear. Does anyone else know about this?"
"No. Ma told me about you, so came here straight away." I sighed heavily, "She tried to stop me. I didn't mean to... she just... got in the way. I couldn't help her. She just burned."
"And you did the right thing. Come with me." Tissaia stated, rising from the floor and walking to the door.

I sat with my face buried in my hands in Tissaia's private room which doubled as her office. Now it was she who paced, slowly in front of her bed. "I must ask you what happened, Jade. I need the facts If I'm to protect you."
"All the time I was growing up I was the one who had to prove myself; my father wanted another son but got me instead. He left shortly after I was born and didn't come back; Ma said he'd died. My little sister wanted to be a princess, ma said if she wanted to she could. But when I said I wanted to be a mage she laughed and taunted me endlessly." I scoffed and looked away from Tissaia.
"Go on."
"Overtime I got used to it. I was out watching my sister play in the woods when she began taunting me again. It got worse and worse with each thing she said. There was nothing I could do to stop it... she turned and ran back to the house saying she was gonna tell Ma. I stopped her without moving and then she just burnt. She screamed for me to help her but... I didn't. I watched. I felt power for the first time; I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Ma had seen it. So when I went back to the house without my sister she hit me. Put me on my ass it did, gave a nasty mark after as well."
"And how did you respond to her?"
"I left the house and made it burn the same as I did my sister. Don't know how; it just lit ablaze, Ma came running out her hair on fire. Screaming. Begging me to put it out. I told her I didn't know how to. She died in front of me, her body fell on my feet."
"Hmmm. I am sorry my dear."
"Tissaia, what am I going to do?" I asked as she turned to me.
"You are not alone, Jade. We are going to handle this... together."
"I can't make you lie for me. You've done so much for me already." Tissaia moved in close and placed her hands on my shoulders.
"Jade, I have taught you since you were twelve. I've watched you grow and I shall not abandon you now in the time of your greatest need."
"Thank you, Tissaia. You're the only one who understands me." I whispered as I turned to the door.
"Maybe we should go somewhere and you can show me?"
"How can we get away with it if The Brotherhood wants to watch us both like hawks?"
"The woods. Go there and practice, I'll say it's a sparing lesson. Or one where you take your anger out on the surroundings." She chuckled as walked to the door and opened it. "I'll be out in a minute."

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