Virtual Coffee Chat

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Ready for some news??

All good news, promise!!

Basically, I want to let you guys know about the new stories I've started working on & about something new I'm wanting to try...

We all know my tendency to ramble and my love for coffee, and that I want to have genuine connections with you guys and just talk to y'all about anything & everything that y'all want to (within reason, cause I'd like to NOT have a conversation about furries please for goodness' sake). Wattpad is a little harder for this for me, so I was thinking... what if I started a email chain of virtual coffee chats?

Where I could talk to y'all about writing worries or questions, life things, share a book cover for a project in the works and get feedback on it, and talk to you guys about your own projects and whatever you want too?

I've told you guys before my dreams of being an author and wanting to start taking steps towards that as well, so I could share snippets of stories and if anyone wanted to Beta Read and give feedback when needed they could or they could read pieces of the stories as I write them?

Does this sound like something you guys would like?

If so, I have a link up for the email chain on my profile and I'm wanting to call it the 'exclusive email coffee chats' what do you think??

If it sounds terrible, no worries :)

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