Chapter 4 - The Hogwarts Express

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Seraphina Tonks spent the rest of her soon to be taken away freedom attending one too many Order meetings, spending time with Tonks and they're mother and caring for a sick raven that had somehow crawled it's way into they're house

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Seraphina Tonks spent the rest of her soon to be taken away freedom attending one too many Order meetings, spending time with Tonks and they're mother and caring for a sick raven that had somehow crawled it's way into they're house. Too quickly did the day she'd start hogwarts come around and Seraphina felt like a bundle of nerves as she walked beside Sirius's Animagus in King's cross Station.

The loud whistling of trains and chatter of muggles was all too new to the young girl. Her eyes didn't know where to look. From the scurrying muggles trying to find their platform to the big silver trains grinding to hault on each track. Seraphina almost felt like this was too much for her to take in.

A loud yip from next to her broke Seraphina out of her slight daze. Glancing down to her uncle, she saw him looking towards the small group infront of them. He gave her one last look before moving towards towards the boy in front of him.

"Padfoot?" Harry spoke in confusion at the arrival of his god father. Seraphina chuckled slightly at the man's antics before speeding along with her trolley. All her belong's were piled high on it and she feared it could toppled over at any moment. On top of her suitcases and books sat the raven she had been taking care of. She decided at the last moment she couldn't part with her and would take her to Hogwarts too. At least for a short while.

Managing to get her trolley down to the right platform, her sister swiftly took it away from her while montioning for her to go into one of the waiting rooms next to them. Confused, Seraphina walked in to see Harry and Sirius sat looking at an old photograph.

"Ah there's my favourite niece!" Sirius exclaimed upon noticing her. Seraphina laughed slightly while taking a seat next to Harry, The image of the first order of the phoenix resting in his hands. Seraphina smiled sadly as she looked at her fathers smiling face as he placed a hand on her mothers shoulder. She wished she'd got a chance to know him.

"Don't let Tonks hear you say that" Seraphina mused as she looked to the man. Sirius winked at her before putting a finger up to his lips.

"We'll keep that one between us then" He spoke with his usual wide smile. "You have a lot of fun at hogwarts missy. It was the time of my life when i was there. Please carry on the pranks in my honour."

Seraphina laughed and moved round to give her uncle a hug. Although she hadn't known him for very long, Sirius was always kind to her. He checked up on her when she was feeling down and would always listen to whatever was going on in her brain at the time. He honestly was the best uncle she could have ever asked for. Letting go of her, Sirius smiled down at the two in front of him.

"I guess you're the young ones now" He said. Harry and Seraphina looked to each other own sporting a smile. They were the next generation after all. They needed to be take down whatever Voldemort would send at them. And the first step to doing that was Hogwarts.

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After that touching moment with Sirius, Harry and her bid goodbye to him as he turned himself back into his dog form. They walked side by side with her sister to her right and moody just in front. Tonks was being oddly quiet as she steered the trolley through the waves of muggles.

"What's wrong?" Seraphina asked as they walked. Tonk's hair was fading into a slight blue shade as her lips settled into a thin line of her face.

"It's the first time in a while we'll be away from each other. I'll miss you" Tonks spoke sadly. Seraphina felt her own eyes flash blue as the overwhelming feeling of missing her sister fell over her. She stopped walking for a moment and looked to her.

"You're right. We won't see each other now till christmas" She said realising she'd be away for four months. They were only ever away from each other if one of them had a mission or they were busy with errands. That was only for a few days at a time. They continued walking in silence, both mulling over what was actually happening. Seraphina didn't even bat an eye as she walked between platforms nine and ten to get to nine and three quarters.

She wandered through and a sea of Witches and Wizards was all she could see across the platform. Parents were tearily saying good bye to their children as they stepped into the Hogwarts Express. Seraphina felt her heart start to ache more as she realised her parents would never send her off on the hogwarts express as she babbled on and on about how excited she was. They'd never wipe their tears as they watched her roll out the station and off to Hogwarts. They would never go home to an empty house waiting for her first letter from school to arrive.

"Seraphina?" Tonks snapped her sister out of her thoughts. Seraphin's luggage was piled with the rest of it and she held her satchel in one hand and her raven's cage in another. Seraphina hummed in response grabbing her belongings and looking around. Harry was long gone, most likely already on the train. The Weasley's were just finishing up with their goodbyes with Hermione stood awkwardly off to the side. Moody was once again in the corner keeping watch for them.

"Are you okay Sera?" Tonks asked again. Seraphina nodded and looked back towards her ride to Hogwarts.

"Yeh. I will be. Just another mission" Seraphina told her sister to reassure her. But in actual fact she thought it was more reassuring for her.

"If you say so. Look, me and moody have to get back. I've asked Hermione to make sure you sit with them on the train. I know how you can be around strangers" Tonks began. Seraphina nodded her head not really taking in what she said. To be honest, she was starting to get a little overwhelmed by everything. The cries and giggles from the children around to the train conductor blowing his whistle to let everyone know they'd be leaving soon.

"Come here" Tonks opened her arms letting Seraphina walk into them. She clinged to her sister as her brain finally processed what was happening. This time tomorrow she would be in hogwarts waking up in a room she'd share with strangers. She'd be going to new lessons and meeting new people. She'd have to stay with Harry Potter most of the time, guarding him from harm. It was all starting to get a bit too much.

"You'll be okay" Tonks whispered to her. Seraphina nodded but secretly hoped her sisters words were true.

She'd be okay, Right?

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