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Seraphina Rosabell Tonks was an odd one to say the least

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Seraphina Rosabell Tonks was an odd one to say the least. She was head strong, independent and fierce but also had a sort of air headedness about her. Her brown hair was often left a little wild and unkept. She preferred dark coloured clothes rather than the usual bright colours her peers would wear. She dazed a lot and was often found enjoying the company of animals rather than people. It wasn't unusual if she bought home wounded birds or rabbits to tend to until they were strong enough for the outside world again. If there were no animals to help however, she quicky took to stealing the other residences of Grimmwauld Place's pets and kept them company until called back by their owners.

That was where her sister, Nymphadora Tonks found her at 12 Grimmwauld Place late one saturday evening. Her nose was stuck quite literally stuck in a book as Crookshanks, Hermione Granger's dear ginger cat, had decided that Seraphina's company was much better than being in the middle of a lovers quarrel currently bringing the house down.

"The meeting's about to start" Nymphadora spoke when the older Tonks realized her sister hadn't yet noticed her presence. Or maybe she was choosing to ignore her? Nymphadora was never sure when it came to the youngest member of the Tonks.

"Will Remus be there?" Seraphina lowered her book from her face revealing tired green eyes that flickered purple with mischief. Her dark brown hair flipped over her face in a messy fashion that caused her to blow it upwards carelessly in an attempt to clear her vision.

Nymphadora on the other had felt herself flush red in embarrassment as her own hair went a light pink colour. Yes it was true that she had a bit of a thing for the man, but she had hoped no one had noticed. The oldest glared at the sitting girl while clearing her throat as to compose herself before replying.

"I do not know if he'll be there but i'm sure he will" Nymphadora confirmed with a stiff nod. Their relationship was filled with constant teasing. The girls were close, even with them being born so far apart. This didn't mean they always got along though. The two would often bicker about silly little things that caused the girls to pout for a few hours before eventually apologizing with a sweet treat here or a smile there. Seraphina let out a light giggle before the page of her book turned by itself.

"We both know you already know he's here. I wouldn't be surprised if you arrived together" Seraphina lifted her gaze to her sister and raised an eyebrow teasingly at her. Nymphadora felt like she was on fire with embarrassment. Her hair was switching between apink and red as her emotions spun out of control.

"Yes well. At least i have a love life Ms all i need is animals and books!" Nymphadora yelled childishly at her sister. Seraphina let out another airy chuckle and turned her full attention to her completely embarrassed mess of a sister.

"No need to get defensive. It's good you've found someone" Seraphina spoke softly. Nymphadora felt her heart calm down and her cheeks start to cool. She sighed happily thinking of the small interactions she had with the said man before coming up here before wandering over to the loveseat Seraphina was lounging on.

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